Hong Kong & Shanghai Bank, Addition, One Space, Architect, Norman Foster Design, News

HSBC Addition: Hong Kong Building

Hong Kong & Shanghai Bank Building: New Lobby Architecture Information – design by Foster + Partners

Hong Kong : HSBC Headquarters New Lobby Design & Construction

Design: Foster + Partners

2-Year Old Design Firm Completes First Addition to Foster’s HSBC Hong Kong Headquarters

28 May 2007

HSBC Building Addition

Hong Kong, 14th May 2007: The Hong Kong headquarters of HSBC, the world’s 4th largest bank by assets, recently launched an innovative new glass and steel lobby designed by one of Hong Kong’s newest design firms that is just over two years old.

The 320 sq.m. transparent structure, stretching the length of the plaza beneath the HSBC building from Queen’s Road Central to Des Voeux Road, was conceived and undertaken by One Space Ltd, an interdisciplinary architectural and technology design team established in 2004 by Greg Pearce and James Oliver. The firm has a design staff of 7 and an annual turnover of some HK$18 million (US$2.31M or Euro1.8M). It specialises in providing appropriate solutions to financial services industry clients through the careful integration of architecture and technology.

“The opportunity to work with HSBC at its seminal headquarters building enabled One Space to apply, in a very public venue, our expertise in merging technology and architecture”, said architect Greg Pearce, Managing Director of One Space. “Although we frequently apply our specialist skillset to the design of technology-rich interiors, the HSBC commission brought these disciplines together in what is regarded as one of Hong Kong’s most awe-inspiring urban sites. Our understated intervention at street level beneath the building’s soaring atrium addressed our client’s requirements almost invisibly in this highly visible location.”

One Space won the contract in February 2006 and the completed project was handed over to HSBC in November 2006, against a highly demanding delivery timeframe. This first major addition to the Lord Foster-designed building since 1985 creates a single point of reception to the upper floors within a minimalist glass enclosure that significantly enhances access control and customer experience

“The design challenge was to meet HSBC’s specific operational needs without compromising the original iconic Norman Foster design”, said Pearce, “We achieved this by devising a restrained and inconspicuous architectural and structural format coupled with well-placed lighting, and, in particular, by using large-format, high-specification, low-iron glass to make the envelope more transparent”, he said.

“The original design is defined by its rigorous discipline, and this formed the governing principle for our lobby design,” says Pearce. “Our solution endeavours to provide a well-mannered and appropriate addition to an already exemplar piece of urban architecture, complementing its robust expression”, he added. “Our goal was that it should feel as though this lobby had been there from the beginning!”

A key feature of the new space is the ‘HSBC Asian Story Wall’, conceived as an Asian companion to London Canary Wharf’s ‘History Wall’ by Thomas Heatherwick Studios. Here the One Space team created the largest and most advanced high-resolution flat-screen installation in Hong Kong, which presents the Bank’s regional heritage in a stunning animated display, integrating the latest audiovisual technology advances with harmonious architectural detailing and lighting. Mr Pearce said that the paired displays of historic material extend the boundaries of technological innovation, adding focal points of animation and colour, offset by grey Italian marble and glowing red aluminium finishes.

The enclosure was engineered by global consultants Arup, and lighting was designed by Fisher Marantz Stone of New York City.

The new lobby was opened to the public by HSBC Group Chairman Stephen Green on 23rd November 2006.

Hong Kong & Shanghai Bank
Foster & Partners Architects
Hong Kong & Shanghai Bank building Norman Foster
photo © Andrew McRae
Hong Kong & Shanghai Bank

HSBC Addition Designers

About One Space Ltd

One Space was established in 2004 as the only interdisciplinary design and technology provider in the region delivering integrated architectural design and information technology solutions for modern business needs under a single point of responsibility. We deliver innovative solutions that meet the highly specific needs of our clients, producing modern, comfortable, sustainable, practical and efficient environments that reinforce the core message of the client’s enterprise.

Our consultative way of working integrates our fundamental understanding of planning, construction, and multimedia technologies with a thorough evaluation of design options.

The founding Directors of One Space – Greg Pearce, a licensed architect and James Oliver, a technology specialist – forged a strong and complementary professional relationship when they recognised the inefficiencies present in traditional procurement of technology-rich projects: The highly desirable synergy between technology and architecture seems instead often mired in adversarial relationships, as coordination difficulties are addressed too late or not at all.

By contrast, One Space adopts a collaborative approach – which fully understands the needs and intentions of the client – combined with a rigorous design methodology to deliver a holistic and fully coordinated solution.

HSBC Headquarters New Lobby – Project Team

Client: The Hongkong and Shanghai Banking Corporation Limited
Facilities Management: Johnson Controls (HK) Ltd
Architectural Design & Project Management: One Space Ltd
Structural & Building Services Engineering: Ove Arup & Partners (HK) Ltd
Quantity Surveyor: Davis Langdon & Seah (HK) Ltd
Lighting Design: Fisher Marantz Stone (New York)
Main Contractor: Paul Y Construction Ltd
Glazing & Steelwork Contractor: Gartner Contracting Co Ltd

HSBC Headquarters in Hong Kong addition : info 3 Jun 2007 from One Space

Hong Kong & Shanghai Bank

Hong Kong & Shanghai Bank – HSBC Building
The Hongkong and Shanghai Banking Corporation Ltd, 1 Queen’s Road, Central
Hong Kong
Design: Foster & Partners
Date built: 1985

HSBC Building : Hong Kong & Shanghai Bank photos

Foster & Partners – HSBC Bank building architects

Location: Hong Kong, Eastern Asia

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