Hotel Pino Nature Sarajevo, Bosnian mountain building images, Trebević architecture news, Architect

Hotel Pino Nature, Sarajevo

Bosnia and Herzegovina Architecture Project on Trebević mountain design by Studio ZEC Arhitekti

post updated 26 May 2024

Location: Bosnia and Herzegovina

Design: Studio ZEC Architects

Hotel Pino Nature, Sarajevo

Hotel Pino Nature Hotel Sarajevo mountain accommodation building

Photos by Damir Dautbegović

6 Sep 2017

Pino Nature Hotel, Trebević – Sarajevo Mountains

Main ingredients as inspiration for this project were the vernacular architecture (common sense of building on a non-forgiving mountain: steep roofs, materiality and experience of vernacular architects), natural geometry of the mountain ambience (steep slopes, cone shape of pine trees), tactility and warmth of a mountain hut. These inspirations were then filtered and adapted to contemporary standards of architectural design.

Our projects objective was to create recreational, hospitality and restaurant/bar contents in a non-urban, mountain ambience. The hotel is situated between the capital city of B&H and mountain Trebević, famous for being one of the location of the Winter Olympics held in 1984. The restaurant/bar area was to be designed for both big events and every day small scale use, respecting a tight construction schedule and a reasonable budget.

Hotel Pino Nature Hotel Sarajevo mountain accommodation

Compositionally speaking, Hotel Pino consists of two bodies: a primary horizontal cube in which public facilities are housed and vertical volume – the tower, which contains exclusively guestrooms. Circulation of guests dominates in the main cube that contains an access point, a spa with swimming pool, conference rooms, kid playrooms and a restaurant. Guest rooms are located along the perimeter of the main building and they receive daylight through the addition of roof spikes.

Architectural design started in 2013, the construction phase ended in fall/winter 2015 and the venue opened at end of 2015. Hotel Pino is situated on the slopes of Mount Trebević on 1070 m altitude, built on the ruins of Sarajevo’s favorite hiking resort – Prvi Šumar (in English: First Forester), ten minutes by car from the city center.

It was published on local and international shows (Architects Association of BiH – Sarajevo, Salon of Architecture Belgrade, Venice Biennale of architecture – IN Practice sessions, European hotel design award, London 2016 – final selection).

Hotel Pino Nature Hotel Sarajevo mountain building

The main responsible way of building on a mountain requires adaptation to climate and geographical conditions. Lessons from the local vernacular architectural language were the key inspiration in the form finding of the exterior appearance of the building.

Steep spikes on the facade are an interpretation of roofs of mountain village houses and the silhouettes of pine trees. The main building volume rests on a stone cladded base – again citing tradition and the tripartite division of the composition of the object – legs / body / head – stone / wood / glass. Wooden shingles, from our previous experiences proved to be sustainable, durable and economical covering material on the mountain.

Scratched below the surface, the support structure of the building is made of reinforced concrete – the dualism of these two materials is further interpreted through the interior – warm wooden surfaces communicate with rough, rustic concrete. Previously described tactility of materials goes side by side with the use of photo-wallpaper – the image is still returning to architecture as a scenographic and decorative moment.

Hotel Pino Nature Hotel in Sarajevo

During the design it was very important to have in mind history of the location and memories people have. Location is very specific, because before the last war in Bosnia and Herzegovina, Trebević was one of the traditional recreational public spaces for people of Sarajevo – “the lungs of the city” where they would spend every weekend.

The war stoped the tradition, and Trebević became abandoned and forgotten place. The project objective was to create new building, new design, that would bring people back to Trebević. Lessons from the local vernacular architectural language and previous experiences with projects on mounatins, were the key inspiration in the form finding of the exterior appearance of the building.

The hardest part of the design activity was making balance between complex form, functional space and reasonable budget. It was great challenge to bring warmth and intimacy into a large structure. The recipe lies in the subdivision of a large interior into smaller, to human perception appealing but connected sceneries – Intimacy begins in your own corner – to each his corner.

Hotel Pino Nature Hotel interior

Areas: Largest layout dimensions: 27,43m x 26,00m. Highest point: 24,32m.
Studio ZEC Design Team Members: Chief Architect: Amir Vuk – Zec, Project Architect: Sanela Belko, Project Architect: Dario Bojanić and Project Architect: Belma Jusufović

Photographer: Damir Dautbegović, 2016


Address: Ravne 1, Sarajevo 71000, Bosnia & Herzegovina, central eastern Europe
Phone: +387 33 257-800


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