Modern House, Property Architects, Domestic Projects, Home Designs, Famous Examples
Modern House – 20th Century Property
Modernist Residential Architecture across the globe – 20th Century Homes
Modern Houses
This page lists the principal Modern House designs across the globe. e-architect aim to select Modernist residences that are either of top quality or interesting or ideally both.
Key Modernist architects include Le Corbusier, Mies van der Rohe and Walter Gropius. Frank Lloyd Wright and Alvar Aalto designed Modern homes but generally in a more contextual style rather than the ‘International Style’ associated with Modernism. One of the most famous Modern homes is by Pierre Chareau – the Maison Dalsace or ‘House of Glass’ in Paris. Towards the end of the 20th century architects such as Luis Barragan developed the Modern style of architects such as Le Corbusier and added their own mark on the Modernist tradition, resulting in some beautiful home designs.
Villa Tugendhat : Villa Tugendhat, Czech Republic, designed by celebrated 20th Century architect Mies van der Rohe:
photo from architects
Villa Tugendhat Brno
We cover completed Modern Houses, architectural exhibitions and property design competitions.
Modern Homes – Major Examples
Architect: Property, Location
Aalto, Alvar: Villa Mairea, Noormarkku, Finland
Aalto, Alvar: Own House, Helsinki, Finland
Aalto, Alvar: La Maison Louis Carre, France
Ando, Tadao: Azuma House, Japan
Ando, Tadao: Koshino House, Japan
Ando, Tadao: Kidosaki House, Japan
Barragan, Luis: House & Atelier for Luis Barragan, Mexico
Barragan, Luis: Fuente de los Amantes, Los Clubes, Mexico
Barragan, Luis: Cuadra San Cristobál, Los Clubes, Mexico
Breuer, Marcel: Koerfer House, Switzerland
Breuer, Marcel: Stillman House III, CT, USA
Breuer, Marcel: Gagarin House II, CT, USA
Chareau, Pierre: Maison Dalsace (Maison de Verre), France
Corbusier, Le: Villa Savoye, France
Corbusier, Le: Villa Stein, France
Corbusier, Le: Villa La Roche Jeanneret, France
Corbusier, Le: Sarabhai House/ Shodhan House, Ahmedabad, India
Goff, Bruce: Bavinger House, Norman, Oklahoma, USA
Goff, Bruce: Joe Price House & Studio Bartlesville, Oklahoma, USA
Goff, Bruce: The Ford House, Aurora, Illinois, United States of America
Goldfinger, Ernö: 2 Willow Road, Hampstead, London, England
Gwynne, Patrick: Homewood House, Esher, Surrey, England, UK
Johnson, Philip: Johnson House, New Canaan, Connecticut, USA
Lescaze, W. E.: High Cross House, Dartington Hall, Totnes, Devon, England, UK
Lloyd Wright, Frank: Kaufmann House, United States of America
Lloyd Wright, Frank: Houses in Oak Park and River Forest, USA
Lloyd Wright, Frank: Taliesin East/ Taliesin West, USA
Loos, Adolf: Villa Müller, Prague, Czech Republic
Loos, Adolf: Tristan Tzara Home, Montmartre, Paris, France
Meier, Richard: House in Old Westbury, United States of America
Meier, Richard: Douglas House, United States of America
MLTW [Moore, Lyndon, Turnball and Whitaker]: The Sea Ranch, USA
Neutra, Richard: Kaufmann Desert House, USA
Office for Metropolitan Architecture : Maison á Bordeaux, France
Office for Metropolitan Architecture : Villa Dall’Ava, Saint Cloud, Paris, France
Tremaine: House in Montecito, southern California
Van der Rohe, Mies: Farnsworth House, United States of America
Van der Rohe, Mies: Brick Villa, Germany
Venturi & Rauch: Vanna Venturi House/ Peter Brant House, USA
Venturi & Rauch: Carl Tucker III House, United States of America
Modern Houses suggestions welcome
Modern Housing
Atelier 5: Terrace Houses at Flamatt, Switzerland
Atelier 5: Halen Housing Estate, Switzerland
Atelier 5: Apartment in Brugg, Switzerland
Aymonino, Carlo + Aldo Rossi: Housing Complex, Gallaratese Quarter, Milan, Italy
Chareau, Pierre with Bijvoet, Bernard: Maison Dalsace, Paris, France
Corbusier, Le: L’Unite d ‘habitation, Marseilles, France
Corbusier, Le: L’Unite d ‘habitation, Berlin, [West] Germany
De Klerk, Michel: Eigen Haard Housing, The Netherlands
De Klerk, Michel: Apartment Blocks Henriette Ronnerplein, The Netherlands
Erskine, Ralph: Byker Redevelopment, Newcastle, England, UK
Gaudi, Antonio: Casa Batllo, Barcelona, Spain
Gaudi, Antonio: Casa Mila, Barcelona, Spain
Horta, Victor: Hotel van Eetvelde / Maison et Atelier Horta, Brussels, Belgium
Celebrated Modern residence – International Style : form follows function:
Farnsworth House, Illinois, USA : Mies van der Rohe, Architect
image © gm+ad architects
Comments on the Modern Houses page welcome
Modernist Houses in more detail
Major Modernist Homes, chronological:
Schröder House, Utrecht, The Netherlands
Gerrit Rietveld
A famous Modern house, De Stijl design, influenced by Mondrian
Wittgenstein House, Vienna, Austria
Paul Engelmann & Ludwig Wittgenstein (philosopher)
Modern home for Margaret Stonborough
E1027, Roquebrune-Cap Martin, France
Eileen Gray
Maison Clarté, Geneva, Switzerland
Le Corbusier
Schminke House, Lobau, Germany
Hans Scharoun, architect
Casa Malaparte, Capri, Italy
Adalberto Libera & Curzio Malaparte
Wichita House, Kansas, United States of America
Richard Buckminster Fuller
Sugden House, Watford, England
Alison & Peter Smithson, architects
Not very well known home by famous Modern architects
Vanna Venturi House, Pennsylvania, USA
Robert Venturi
Another famous modern house – postmodern design, for his mother, Vanna Venturi
Koerfer House, Tessin, Switzerland
Marcel Breuer
Capsule House K, Karuizawa, Japan
Kisho Kurokawa, architect
Late 20th Century classic – urban housing withinthe Modern tradition
Moebius House, Utrecht, The Netherlands
Ben van Berkel & Caroline Bos – UNStudio
House, Darmstadt, Germany
Peter Behrens, architect
Early Modern house
House (for his father), Shaanxi, China
Ma Quingyun, architect
More Modern House Projects online soon
Modern Architecture Funding – Getty Foundation Keeping it Modern – 29 Jul 2016
Modern Architecture Conservation Grants 2016 – Keeping It Modern by the Getty Foundation – 29 Jul 2016
Modern Architects + Modern Architecture
Casa Mila La Pedrera, Barcelona : Antoni Gaudí, Architect
photo © Adrian Welch
Modern Houses : images of key 20th Century residences
Casa Batllo – Barcelona House by Antoni Gaudí Architect
New Houses – Key Contemporary Properties
Tokiwa House, Japan : Kenji Tagashira
house picture : Kei Sugino
Klein Bottle House, nr Melbourne, Australia : McBride Charles Ryan
house picture : John Gollings
Maison á Bordeaux, France : OMA
house image : Hans Werlemann
Slice House Brazil, Porto Alegre, Brazil : procter-rihl, architects
house image : Marcelo Nunes
New Residential Buildings / photos for the Modern Houses – 20th Century Properties page welcome