Neue Hamburger Terrassen, German Building Ideas Competition, Project News, Design, Property Image

Neue Hamburger Terrassen

Masterplan / Housing Development in Hamburg, Germany – ideas competition design by LAN Architecture

Neue Hamburger Terrassen Housing : current information, 21 Oct 2013

Location: Hamburg, northern Germany

Design: LAN Architecture

Neue Hamburger Terrassen

Neue Hamburger Terrassen IBA

Video in German with English subtitles:
Neue Hamburger Terrassen film on Vimeo

The Neue Hamburger Terrassen won the WAN Residential Award

4 Mar 2009

IBA Hamburg Housing

Neue Hamburger Terrassen, Hamburg, northern Germany

This is the last completed project by LAN Architecture, France.

The NEUE HAMBURGER TERRASSEN ideas competition was sponsored by Hamburg’s IBA (Internationale Bauausstellung) within the scope of an international exhibition which will take place in 2013. The aim of the competition is to rehabilitate the industrial zone located to the south of the river Elbe by creating a new residential sector fully integrated into the city.

The main challenge facing new urban agglomeration projects is not the quality or the image proposed by the architecture but rather the urban incorporation of the new buildings and their capacity to integrate the history and the fabric of the towns in which they are built.

IBA Hamburg IBA Hamburg Housing IBA Housing
images from architect

For this Hamburg residential project, LAN Architecture adapted and created a contemporary version of a working class terrace house typology. This was the starting point of our strategy. We have used our proposal to try to integrate issues concerning single family homes, cars, the definition and hierarchical tiering of public and common spaces, as well as environmental quality to produce new sustainable urban models.

The system of plots accessed from three sides helped us increase the quantity of planted areas and introduced a new shared space concept: the collective cultivated garden. Our proposal takes the form of a lane winding between planted strips. These large planted areas occupy the centre of the roadway and give the site a very “green” appearance.

The sinuous lane helps to slow down vehicles, resulting in an increased level of safety. The planted areas also distance vehicle and pedestrian movements from the elevations, providing residents with a peaceful setting. The buildings are handled as tools used to define empty spaces.

The same level of stylistic coherence is given to the elevations set along the public space in terms of their volumetry, alignment, size of window openings and uniform materials. The plot access roads break this rhythm, opening onto the park or the stream and allowing light to saturate the planted areas, creating an interesting interplay of light and shade along the road. The garden elevations are sequenced by large openings and sunbreakers.

Neue Hamburger Terrassen Hamburg IBA Neue Hamburger Terrassen Germany Neue Hamburger Terrassen
images from architect

Neue Hamburger Terrassen – Building Information

PROGRAMME: Master plan and housing
CLIENT: IBA, Hamburg
LOCATION: Hamburg, Germany
SITE AREA: 1,3 hectares
TIMETABLE: 2008-13
TEAM: LAN Architecture (lead architect), Franck Boutté Agency(HEQ consultant),
BASE (landscape architects)
COST: The first plot, to complete in 2010 will include 80 housing units, 7000 m², for a cost of 10.000.000 euros

IBA Hamburg Master plan and housing images / information from LAN Architecture

LAN Architecture

Location: Hamburg, Germany, Europe

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