Sofia Buildings, Bulgarian Architecture, Architect, Project Plans, News, Design, Property Pictures

Sofia Buildings: Architecture

Contemporary Architectural Developments in western Bulgaria

post updated 29 June 2024

Sofia Building – Latest Designs

Sofia Buildingss, Bulgaria : Information + Image, chronological:

14 Feb 2018
Architecture School, Sofia
Architects: STARH
Architecture School in Sofia
image © Georgi Pasev
Architecture School Sofia
The road to knowledge and enlightenment is tough, meandering and full of obstacles. The aim of the project is to create a metaphor of this process, with its zigzag floor plans, as well as the inclined roof, resembling the difficulties one embraces while walking this road.

3 Nov 2017
A3 – Advanced Architecture Apartments, Sofia
Architects: STARH
A3 Advanced Architecture Apartments
photograph : 3 in Spirit
A3 – Advanced Architecture Apartments in Sofia

10 Jun 2016
Penthouse on the Park, Sofia
Architects: KNOF design
Penthouse on the Park
photograph : Assen Emilov
Penthouse on the Park in Sofia

3 Feb 2016
Pagoda House, Sofia
Design: I/O architects
Pagoda House
photo : Assen Emilov
Pagoda House in Sofia

26 Jan 2016
Red Apple Residential Building, South Park, Ivan Vazov Quarter, Sofia
Design: AEDES Studio
Red Apple Apartment Building Sofia
photograph : Tsvetomir Dzhermanov
Red Apple Residential Building

21 Jan 2016
2 Oaks House, Sofia
Design: OBIA Ltd. Architecture Studio
2 Oaks House Sofia
photograph : Georgi Ivanov
2 Oaks House Sofia Property

9 Jan 2012
Metro Station 20
Design: Peter Ruge Architekten
Station 20 Sofia Metro Line 1 building
image from architects
Metro Station 20 Sofia
Acting as a primary metro connection between Sofia’s city centre and the airport, and the hub of a major commercial redevelopment plan, the design of Station 20 site seeks to establish clear pathways, form active connections and harmonise architecture and landscape.

Sofia Building – Recent Design

CSKA Sofia Stadium
Design Initiatives
CSKA Sofia Stadium Bulgaria
image from Design Initiatives
CSKA Sofia Stadium

This is a remodeling project of the club stadium of the Bulgarian football club CSKA Sofia to meet Category four of UEFA stadium standards.

Sofia Architecture

Selection of Key Projects, alphabetical:

Apartment house, Sofia
Design:Architectural Bureau – Ognyan Simeonov

Bistrica House, Bistrica village, Sofia

Design: I/O architects
Bistrica House: Bulgaria property
picture from designer
Bistrica House

Europe Tower, Europe Park retail development
Design: HPP, Hentrich-Petschnigg & Partner, Germany
To be tallest tower in Bulgaria
180m high
For ECE Projektmanagement

Jaclyn Residential & Office Building

Design: Aedes studio
Jaclyn Building
photo : Georgi Markov
Jaclyn Building Sofia

Liulin Apartment Building

I/O architects
Liulin Apartment Building, Bulgarian Apartments
picture from architect
Liulin Apartment Building

Sofia City Centre Design
Dominique Perrault
Sofia City Centre: Dominique Perrault Bulgaria
image © Perrault Projets Adagp
Sofia City Centre : Architecture Competition win, Apr 2009

Sofia Masterplan
Foster + Partners
Sofia Multifunctional Complex Bulgaria
picture from architect
Sofia Multifunctional Complex

Sofia Tower Building
Aedes studio
Sofia Tower building, Bulgaria
picture from architect
Sofia Tower Building

More major new Sofia Property Developments online soon

Location: Sofia, Bulgaria, southeast Europe

Bulgarian Architecture

Bulgarian Architecture

Bulgarian Building Designs – chronological list

Bulgarian Architecture News

Bulgarian Architecture Studios

Panorama Apartments

Bulgarian Resort Development by Foster + Partners

Sea View House

Stone House Bulgaria

Architectural Walking Tours – city walks by e-architect

Comments / photos for the Sofia Buildings Bulgaria Architecture page welcome
