Berlin Fire Department and Rescue Services Academy, Berlin building design, Educational architecture project photo

Fire Department and Rescue Services Academy in Berlin

8 July 2024

Architects: HENN

Berlin Fire Department and Rescue Services Academy

Images by HENN

Fire Department and Rescue Services Academy, Germany

In a tendering process (VgV-Verfahren), HENN has won the contract for the new campus of the Berlin Fire Department and Rescue Services Academy. The former Berlin Tegel Airport (TXL) site will be used for training and continuing professional development of firefighters, rescue and emergency medical staff. Besides renovating two listed hangars and other existing buildings, a new academy building and outdoor training facilities will be constructed.

HENN designed a new academy building based on an urban development concept conceived by kleyer.koblitz.letzel.freivogel and KUULA in a tendering process (VgV-Verfahren). The new build functions as the institution’s communicating center to bring together instructors and trainees. Its height and the restrained, deliberately “technical” appearance of the façade allow the new build to blend harmoniously into its surroundings and to mediate between old and new.

At the heart of the new build is a centrally located, light-filled atrium that interlinks all stories, establishes sightlines and promotes synergies within the building. It serves as a place to meet for knowledge sharing and informal encounters. The spacious lobby provides trainees and instructors with access to a canteen with an outdoor terrace, a dining hall, and a café. The integrated auditorium can also be used for larger events. The upper stories accommodate offices and training rooms whose clearly structured layout allows for flexible uses.

Fire Department and Rescue Services Academy, Berlin

The academy building’s proposed hybrid-timber structure remains visible inside; it is further emphasized by a fire-engine red staircase in the atrium.

The new build is designed as a low-tech structure whose simple, long-lasting components reduce the need for building services while increasing resource efficiency. Photovoltaic panels will be installed on the east and west façades and on the rooftop to generate electricity.

Besides the academy building, new structures will be built to accommodate sports and training facilities as well as vehicle depots. In addition, HENN will renovate the listed buildings located on-site, including two hangars dating back to the 1960s and 1970s whose impressively large, clear-span halls provide space for replicating operational scenarios that can be used regardless of weather conditions.

The new Berlin Fire Department and Rescue Services Academy campus will support a state-of-the-art, efficient Berlin firefighting service while strengthening its crucial role within the city. As part of transforming the derelict airport site into a place of innovation referred to as the Urban Tech Republic, a venue with a distinct sense of identity will be created to give the firefighting and rescue services a new public presence in the city.

Berlin Fire Department and Rescue Services Academy

Fire Department and Rescue Services Academy in Berlin, Germany – Building Information

Design: HENN –
Location: Berlin, Germany
Completion: 2028 (planned)
Gross floor area 50,700 sq. m. (total), 15,000 sq. m. (academy building)
Typology: Redevelopment, new build
Program: Offices, training rooms, auditorium, event hall, gastronomy, fitness area, training areas (indoors and outdoors), vehicle depots, fire training facilities

Architecture: HENN
Client: Senatsverwaltung für Stadtentwicklung, Bauen und Wohnen
User: Berliner Feuerwehr- und Rettungsakademie (BFRA)

Berlin Fire Department and Rescue Services Academy

Renders by HENN

Berlin Fire Department and Rescue Services Academy image / information received 080724 from HENN

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