Wilson Residence, New Australian Property, Waterside Building Photo, Design, Oz Oceanfront Property Image

Wilson Residence Australia

New Waterfront Residential Development design by Oge Group in Australia

30 Jun 2009

Australian Waterside Property

Date built: 2009

Design: Oge Group Pty. Ltd

Wilson Residence, Australian Oceanfront Property

Photos by Peter Scott

Wilson Residence – Australian Waterside Property

The house has been designed in direct response to the extreme and diverse conditions of the site and the enthusiasm of my clients who both embraced the idea of working with an architect. The house was designed to encourage the occupant to experience different emotions as they inhabit the residence on a day-to-day basis.

The master bed wing, tip toes out on the extreme edge of the cliff which enables people to feel as though they are floating above the water and rocks below. The large, protected deck to the north feeds off both the internal living areas and external bar which enables a space for the client to relax or entertain guests with protection from the elements.

Wilson Residence: Oge Group Australia

I believe the most important element to the home is the creation of a large grass area to the west of the house where the family can play a game of cricket while others can swim in the cove like pool which wraps around the office. This area acts as a retreat for the owners to turn their back on the frequently harsh conditions of the Pacific Ocean and embrace the pool and garden.

The underbelly of the house provides a place for family and guests to find solitude away from the activities above. The client made a particular request for the creation of a bar and activity area where guests could enjoy a game of pool and a beer as they resolve some of life’s issues.

Australian Waterside Property Australian Seaside Property Australian Sea Property Australian Waterside Property

The opportunity to work on such an amazing site with equally amazing clients who’s love for life is evident through the end product was a great experience. This enthusiasm was also embraced by the entire project team, with input from both the engineer and builder contributing to the integrity of the home.

This was possibly a once in a lifetime opportunity and I believe we have pushed the limits of design, while maintaining a practical ethos in relation to planning and details. Overall the client absolutely loves their home.

Wilson Residence Australia Wilson Residence Australia Wilson Residence Australia Wilson Residence Australia

Wilson Residence images / information received 300609

Location: Australia

Australian House Designs


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photo : Andrew Watson Photography
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