RIBA Building Futures Debate, NLA Exhibition, Date, BDP Hub Clerkenwell Venue, Speakers, London

RIBA Building Futures Debate

Motion : ‘Globalisation is bad for architecture’, England, UK

10 Dec 2008

‘Globalisation is bad for architecture’

RIBA Building Futures debate

10 December 2008
at BDP Hub, Clerkenwell, EC1

Prof. Robert Wade of the LSE and Robert Adam Architects of Robert Adam Architects will propose the motion that “This house believes Globalisation is bad for architecture“, while Alison Brooks of Alison Brooks Architects and Padraig Brown, Vice President of finance group Blackrock will oppose the motion.

All contributors at the debate are passionate about the subject of globalisation each from their own perspective. It promises to be a strong and compelling debate.

International finance, rapid communication and global consumerism have created the global city and the star architect. Architecture is now a medium for marketing cities with global aspirations and representing corporate success.

New cities in the Middle East, China and India are putting up buildings in a manner and scale unseen before, but as this becomes commonplace are we in danger of creating the ‘monotony of the exceptional?’

Are global architecture and aesthetic orthodoxy contributing to the erasure of local or regional identity or is it providing a brave new ‘pluralistic’ experience of place?

For more information contact:
Event organiser, Mike Allthorpe mike.althorpe@inst.riba.org or
Sue Beaumont, PR & Marketing, Robert Adam Architects sue.beaumont@robertadamarchitects.com

Event Time: Wednesday 10 Dec 2008
Event Address: BDP Hub, 16 Brewhouse Yard, Clerkenwell, LONDON, EC1V 4LJ
Organiser: RIBA Building Futures, Mike Althorpe mike.althorpe@inst.riba.org

Location: Brewhouse Yard, Clerkenwell, London, EC1, south east England, UK

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London, UK