Nemesis Group, San Pardo Design Contest, Matera Architecture Competition

Nemesis Group Competition : San Pardo Architecture Contest

Matera Design Contest, Italy

15 May 2012 + 9 Feb 2012

Nemesis Group Competition

San Pardo Architecture Competition, Matera, Italy

The new dates:

Deadline for submission of entries: Jul 31, 2012

Deadline for submission of papers: Oct 15, 2012

Also note that competitors do not have a bill of quantities for analysis but rather a metric macro categories.

Previous dates:

18 May 2012 – registration deadline
26 May 2012 – submission deadline

International architectural competition organized by Nemesis Group.

A project for the improvement of a residential and commercial area located in “San Pardo” district in Matera, Italy : ‘Contest for design ideas’

Area: 1100.00 sqm approx., Volume existing: 2100.00 m3 approx.
Possibility of increase in volume of 35% of what exists

San Pardo Architecture Contest
image from Nemesis Group


Nemesis Group promotes an international competition for design ideas for the improvement of a residential and commercial area located in “San Pardo” district in Matera, conceived with environmental protection, saving energy and territory development criteria. This competition intends to determine the exact relationship among architectural, structural, technological and environmental values.

This competition aims to gather and to compare ideas and technical, economic and cultural proposals in order to fix directives in relation to design. All of this according to building tenability, landscape improvement, environmental protection and territory respect criteria.

The project has to follow objects and directives that concern the achievement of the exact relationship among architectural, structural, technological and environmental solutions.
The competition’s object is the improvement of a residential and commercial area located in “San Pardo” district in Matera.

It requires:
– Project realization with structural novelties
– Planimetric organization
– Significant plants, tables and sections

Proposals will have to tend to realize a solution, in respect of:
– Idea practicability
– Architectonical quality
– Technological innovation
– Energetic aspects and environmental protection
– Economic consistency

Normative makes reference to Town-Planning Scheme and the relative Comune di Matera’s Technical Implementation Rules and the Regional Committee resolution n° 695/2010, L.R. Basilicata n. 25/2009.

Both professionals, that at the moment of the entrance can legally practise their own profession, and graduate or graduand technicians, that are not recorded in a professional roll, can take part to the competition. This one is turned to people contemplated in the art. n. 90 paragraph 1 lect. d), e), f), g), h) of the Legislative Decree as well as to subordinate workers that are whether qualified or not to practise their own professions and that are recorded in the relative professional roll in the observance of law.
Every group has to designate a leader that will have the function of representing it at the organizing society.
It is asked to express the temporary team-leader’s designation in a special declaration signed by all the components of the group (Enc.3)
All the members of the group have the same rights and titles on both the proposals and the presented project.
Candidates can’t take part to different temporary associations or to participate individually and as members of a temporary association at the same time.
And the same is for professionals in case he is the administrator, partner, dependent or a collaborator of a professional or engineers company that takes part to the competition.
Breaking one of these prohibitions will involve the exclusion from the competition.

San Pardo Architecture Competition
image from Nemesis Group


1st € 10.000,00
2nd € 5.000,00
3rd € 1.000,00

Questions by 10 May: / facebook at “Nemesis Group”


Nemesis Group Competition information received 090212

Location:San Pardo, Matera, Italy

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Comments / photos for the Nemesis Group Contest – San Pardo Architecture Competition page welcome

Nemesis Group Competition

Website: Matera