Robert Adam Book, Traditional Architecture Publication, Houses, Designs

The Globalisation of Modern Architecture : Book

Publication by Professor Robert Adam, England, UK

20 Sep 2012

Robert Adam’s globalisation book just published

Robert Adam Publishes “the Globalisation Of Modern Architecture”

‘The Globalisation of Modern Architecture’ book by Professor Robert Adam – cover:
Robert Adam book
picture : ADAM Architecture

The Globalisation of Modern Architecture Book News

Part sociological theory, part political and economic history, The Globalisation of Modern Architecture by Professor Robert Adam explains how Western or North Atlantic Modernist architecture came to dominate world cities and commercial architecture in the late 20th and 21st century. It is a scholarly book in which Robert Adam steps aside from his own architectural preferences, and takes a broad and impartial look at the development and consequences of this global phenomenon which impacts on us all.

The book starts with a fast and fluent journey through the history of international communication and the spread of dominant cultures across the world. Well known landscape artist and architect, Charles Jencks, said “Robert Adam is that rarity, an architect who can think across the political and social landscape to find unexpected forces that shape the style and meaning of architecture”.

As well as providing a scholarly exposition of the globalisation of architecture, Robert reveals some hitherto unrecognised consequences of the globalisation of culture, some of them for the good. For instance he refers to ‘hybridized returns’ which he identifies as process of enrichment when cultural phenomena cross borders and are then exported again. He cites ‘Bhangra’ rock as an example of popular music that is enriched by shuttling between India and England. He identifies and names ‘Reflexive Modernism’, and considers what forces led to the rise of ‘Star Architects’.

The book has created interest in economic circles and sociological circles. Martin Wolf, the Chief Economics Commentator of the Financial Times writes that “in this stimulating book, Robert Adam demonstrates how a global economy has brought forth a new global architecture, in the form of commercialized modernism and the demand for iconic new buildings.”

It is a book that should sit on the shelf of every architectural student, and be read by anyone who wants to understand the forces that shaped a global architectural style, and global culture. Adam ends with a question about the future. Written in the midst of the global financial crisis he ponders how this will affect the globalised architecture of the future.

About Robert Adam
Robert Adam is a successful architectural practitioner, leading ADAM Architecture, one of the UK’s top 100 practices. He is a visiting Professor in Urban Design at Strathclyde University and is a prolific writer, public speaker and broadcaster on architecture.

Location: London, south east England, UK

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ADAM Architecture is one of the UK’s best known classical and traditional design practices. ADAM Architecture is also a world leader in Traditional Urbanism which creates secure and sustainable communities which encourage street life and local identity.

ADAM Architecture is based in Winchester and London. It is one of the foremost designers of new country and town houses in England as well as master planning villages and traditional town centres. Recent projects include the masterplans for Edinburgh Forthside, the Scottish capital’s new waterfront and a new mixed use development on London’s Piccadilly.

Information re Robert Adam received from Stratton & Reekie

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