Bruges Shopping Center Building Architect, Image, Belgian Retail Architecture Project Design

Bruges Retail Center, Belgium

Contemporary Belgian Store Development design by BURO II Architects.


In collaboration with Bontinck architecture and engineering and BURO Interior

Building of a retail center at Bruges

Bruges Retail Center Belgium store
photo : Koen Van Damme

5 Feb 2009

Bruges Shopping Center

Bruges Shopping Center

By order of NV Codic, BURO II built a new shopping centre north of Bruges. Some fifteen retail chains are located there.

Bruges Shopping Center Bruges Shopping Centre Bruges Retail Centre
photos : Koen Van Damme

An awning makes for a transition from the building to the parking lot. This awning assures the unity and recognisability of the site through a new skyline, but at the same time, it creates opportunities for advertising and profiling for the different retail chains.

The clean rhythm of the parking bays is completed with a patchwork of various elements that determine the character of this space. The integration of the green elements on the parking lot determines the view, but the same goes also for the water surfaces that function as buffers for the draining of rainwater.

Bruges Retail Center Bruges Retail Center
photos : Kris Van Damme

BURO II Architects of this Belgian retail development

Bruges Retail Center Belgium image / information from BURO II

Location: Bruges, Belgium, western Europe

Architecture in Belgium

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Belgian Architecture

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Comments / photos for the Bruges Retail Center – Belgium Shopping Architecture design by BURO II Architects page welcome
