Trinity.EC3 London, Beetham Office Building Project, Mansell Street Commercial Property News

Trinity.EC3 Office Building

City of London Project for Beetham Organization on Mansell Street design by Foreign Office Architects

Design: Foreign Office Architects – FOA

Crystal cluster scheme given the green light

Second major London approval for Beetham – Mansell Street Development

Trinity.EC3 London office building

Trinity.EC3 in London

8 Jan 2010

Trinity.EC3 London

Trinity.EC3, a breathtaking cluster of crystal shaped buildings, has been given the go-ahead by the City of London. Developer Beetham Organization will invest £700m in the Foreign Office-designed scheme, which will create three multi-faceted glass walled buildings ranging in height between twelve and twenty two storeys, across a 3.2 acre site.

The project is the second major approval that Beetham has received in recent weeks, following the announcement that the go-ahead has been given for a 51 storey tower at One Blackfriars Road, SE1 on 18th December 2007.

Trinity.EC3 will provide more than one million sq ft of high quality office space and 35,000 sq ft of retail space, a public roof garden located on the tallest of the buildings, a covered all-weather ‘T’ shaped public plaza, as well as a new community centre for the Mansell Street Estate. Expected to be completed by 2014, the project features state-of-the-art energy efficiency technology designed to retain heat in the winter and to cool the buildings in the summer.


The scheme will also include the comprehensive redevelopment of Aldgate bus station which will be moved to the south of the site to improve passenger transit to a new entrance to Aldgate Underground Station. Commuters will be able to take advantage of improved disabled access and a new ticket hall within the underground station.

Stephen Beetham Frost, Chief Executive Officer of Beetham Organization said,

“This is an important development both for us and for this part of London. It is a landmark project which will not only help to establish the area’s identity, but which will create facilities for the community, provide jobs for local residents and attract shoppers to the neighbourhood.

“It is the second major scheme that we have received permission for in the space of two weeks. This will create an outstanding building of architectural merit in the City, enhancing its reputation as the 21st century capital of the world’s financial markets.”


Trinity.EC3 design : Foreign Office Architects

Location: Mansell Street, London, EC3

London, England, UK

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Trinity.EC3 Development – Beetham Organization page

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Trinity.EC3 developer – Beetham Organization: