Mestia Airport Building, Georgia Building, Image, Architect, Project, Proposal, Design, News

Mestia Airport Building Georgia

Mestia Airport Building: Architecture Information – design by J. MAYER H. Architects

1 Feb 2011

New Airport Building in Mestia Georgia

English text (scroll down for German text)

The new built airport is part of Georgia’s ambitious plans to develop tourism in Mestia. The beautiful medieval town with its stone defensive towers is part of UNESCO’s list of World Heritage Sites and also famous as ski-resort. With the unveiling of the airport on December 24th the building was designed and constructed within 3 months.

Mestia Airport Mestia Airport Building Mestia Airport Building Georgia Airport Building Georgia

German text:

Der neue Flughafen in Mestia, Georgien ist Teil der ambitionierten Pläne die Region touristisch zu erschliessen. Die mittelalterliche Stadt, geprägt durch steinerne Wehrtürme, steht auf der Liste des UNESCO Weltkulturerbes und ist mittlerweile auch bekannt als Wintersportregion. Das Gebäude wurde in nur 3 Monaten geplant und realisiert. Der Flughafen wurde am 24. Dezember 2010 in Betrieb genommen.

Mestia Airport – Building Information

J. MAYER H. Architects
Project Team: Juergen Mayer H., Jesko Malkolm Johnsson-Zahn, Hugo Reis, Mehrdad Mashaie, Max Reinhardt
Project: Oct – Dec 2010
Completion: Dec 2010
Client: Tbilisi International Airport
Architect on Site: Beka Pkhakadze
Photographs: J. MAYER H. Architects

Mestia Airport Building Georgia images / information from J. MAYER H. Architects

J. MAYER H. Architects

Location:Mestia, Georgia

Architecture in Georgia

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