Best Building in Scotland Awards 2010, Shortlist, Winner, Photos, Best Scottish Architects Prize

RIAS Best Building in Scotland Award – Architecture

Andrew Doolan Prize, Scotland, UK – 2010 Shortlist News

19 Nov 2010

RIAS Andrew Doolan Award for Architecture

Shettleston Housing Association Offices, Glasgow
Design: Elder and Cannon Architects
Shettleston Housing Association Offices - Best Building in Scotland Award 2010
photo © Andrew Lee
Shettleston Housing Association Offices – external link

Housing Association Offices in Glasgow Scoop UK’s Richest Architecture Prize

At a ceremony in the Scottish Parliament, Shettleston Housing Association Offices, Glasgow by Elder and Cannon Architects has been awarded the RIAS Andrew Doolan Best Building in Scotland Award 2010. From a shortlist of eleven projects the judges selected the McManus Galleries, Dundee by PagePark Architects for a Special Mention and the Shettleston Housing Association Offices as a clear winner. The award was presented by the Minister for Culture and External Affairs, Ms Fiona Hyslop MSP.

The judges citation for the winning building highlights the ingenuity of the new extension and the clever and careful way a historic building and a very contemporary new structure have been brought together.

RIAS Andrew Doolan Best Building in Scotland Award 2010 winners:
Andrew Doolan Awards Andrew Doolan Award winners
photos © Mike Wilkinson

The full citation reads:
“The former Co-operative halls, an Edwardian red sandstone building, is among the finest monuments within Shettleston. Its adaptation and extension provides a welcoming reception area, meeting rooms, open plan and cellular office spaces and a large boardroom. The roof of the extension is decked, providing an outdoor seating area.

The historic features of the former co-operative building, particularly the upper level proscenium and the double-height upper hall are respected within the new development. The two-storey extension provides the entrance to the linked spaces within. While its stripped-down contemporary form contrasts with the decorated sandstone of its neighbour, its scale is simultaneously respectful and distinctly of the current era. By extending the frame of the new building to the eaves level of its historic neighbour, these quite distinct structures are read as parts of an elegant entirety.

Internally the refurbished and new areas are naturally lit and ventilated. A palette of high quality materials creates an inviting suite of offices and meeting rooms. This is an important building for Shettleston. There is no question that new architecture of this quality will contribute to enhanced pride of place and hopefully serve as a catalyst to further high quality development in the area.”

The building was selected from a strong shortlist which represented a comprehensive range of building types, including housing, a restored cinema, a dramatic new pavilion at the entrance to the Edinburgh Botanic Gardens and a centre for children with special needs. This year’s judges were Professor Andrew MacMillan (Chair), David Dunbar PRIAS, the London based international architect Edgar Gonzalez and Jonathan Speirs, the world renowned lighting architect.

The winner of the RIAS Andrew Doolan Best Building in Scotland Award receives a gold medal designed by the Scottish sculptor Hazel Armour and a cheque for £25,000. This makes it the richest architectural prize in the UK and one of the most significant awards in Europe. The award is generously supported by the late Andrew Doolan’s family and by the Scottish Government.

Fiona Hyslop, the Minister for Culture and External Affairs said; “Scottish architecture is among the very best in Europe, as demonstrated by the exceptional calibre of this year’s shortlist. We have projects of outstanding quality which are having a positive impact on our communities, our economy and the environment. Each year, the contenders for the RIAS Doolan Award reinforce our international reputation for excellence in architecture, and inspire ever higher standards of design in Scotland.”

Professor Andy MacMillan, who chaired the judging, commented; “The winning scheme is a masterly essay in architectural understatement. Its materials and detailing unify the design internally but the bringing together of two quite distinct eras of architecture externally is deftly done. Elder and Cannon Architects must be commended for creating a new work for Glasgow of international quality.”

Edgar Gonzalez said; “Having worked on Scottish projects, the consistent quality across the shortlisted schemes was no surprise. However the fact that most of these projects are designed and delivered locally demonstrates the extraordinary skills and care of clients, architects and contractors, a huge asset for any small nation and something of which all Scots should be proud.”

David Dunbar, President of the RIAS, commented that; “The Doolan Award is named in recognition of an inspired Scottish architect/entrepreneur. Andy Doolan was determined that this should be the largest architectural prize in the UK, recognising the superb quality of Scottish projects which he felt was being overlooked by other awards. Once again this year Andy’s faith in Scottish architectural creativity is borne out in the brilliant range of shortlisted projects from Dunoon to Raasay and many places in between. These are buildings full of delight and fun which will serve their communities well and for a long time to come.”

Andrew Doolan Best Building in Scotland Award Shortlist

Doolan Prize Shortlist Buildings, alphabetical:

The Briggait Redevelopment, Glasgow
Nicoll Russell Studios
The Briggait Glasgow – external link

15 Fiscavaig, Skye
Rural Design
Fiscavaig House
image from architect
Fiscavaig House

The Hippodrome Cinema, Bo’ness
The Pollock Hammond Partnership
Hippodrome Cinema Bo’ness
photo : The Pollock Hammond Partnership
Hippodrome Cinema Bo’ness

House on a Hill, Aberdeenshire
Paterson Architects
St. Cyrus House
photo © Keith Hunter
St. Cyrus House

John Hope Gateway, Edinburgh
Edward Cullinan Architects
Botanic Gardens Edinburgh
building image from RBGE
John Hope Gateway – external link

McManus Galleries, Dundee
Page Park Architects
McManus Dundee
photo © Andrew Lee
McManus Galleries

Medical & Biological Sciences Building, University of St Andrews
Reiach and Hall Architects
Medical & Biological Sciences Building
photo © Andrew Lee
St Andrews Medical School Building

Raasay Community Hall, Skye
Dualchas Building Design
Raasay Community Hall
photo © Andrew Lee
Raasay Community Hall

Shettleston Housing Association Offices, Glasgow
Elder and Cannon Architects
Shettleston Housing Association Offices
photo © Andrew Lee
Shettleston Housing Association Offices

Tigh Na Cladach (House by the Shore), Dunoon
Gokay Devici Chartered Architect
photo © Andrew Lee

The West Centre, Glasgow
anderson bell + christie
West Centre

2 Nov 2010

Doolan Prize – Best Building in Scotland Award

RIAS Announces Strong Shortlist for £25,000 Doolan Prize

The Royal Incorporation of Architects in Scotland has announced a shortlist of eleven buildings for the UK’s richest architectural prize, the RIAS Andrew Doolan Best Building in Scotland Award which is jointly funded by the Scottish Government and the family of the late Andrew Doolan who founded the award.

David Dunbar, President of the Royal Incorporation of Architects in Scotland, said: “We are delighted that Scotland has once again come up with such a strong list of submissions. The crop of new buildings in Scotland is undoubtedly among the best in Europe and we are confident that this year’s Doolan Award will confirm the consistently excellent work currently being produced to the benefit of Scotland and the Scots.”

The Andrew Doolan Best Building in Scotland Award judging panel for 2010, chaired by Professor Andrew MacMillan, also includes RIAS President David Dunbar, international architect Edgar Gonzalez and the renowned lighting architect Jonathan Speirs who is a Fellow of the RIAS. Edgar Gonzalez commented; “This year’s shortlist exemplifies the immensely strong architectural culture of contemporary Scotland. The rigour of all these buildings is allied to a great care for their users, responsiveness to context and a real delight in the potential of architecture to enhance environments – and people’s lives.”

An announcement of the Andrew Doolan Best Building in Scotland Award jury’s decision will be made by Scotland’s Minister for Culture and External Affairs, Fiona Hyslop and Andrew Doolan’s mother, Mrs Margaret Doolan, at the Scottish Parliament on 19th November 2010.

Andrew Doolan Best Building in Scotland Award : current page

Best Building in Scotland Past Winners

Best Building in Scotland Award 2009

Best Building in Scotland Award 2008

Best Building in Scotland Award 2007

Location: Scotland, UK

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