What is a property survey and why is it important guide, Brisbane home surveyor tips, Queensland house renovation advice

What is a Property Survey Guide

1 Sep 2022

Southbank Brisbane property survey

Property surveys play a crucial role in the process of buying land, constructing a home or undertaking a development. A professional surveyor Brisbane wide will deliver a range of services that ensure you have the information needed to complete any residential, commercial or civil project you have in mind.

Armed with state-of-the-art equipment like drones and commercial-grade GPS systems, a property surveying team can provide detailed information on any block of land. This allows you to buy with confidence and ensures your next project proceeds without a hitch. In this article we’ll dive deeper into the property surveying process and why it’s an important part of all construction, renovation and development projects.

What is a Property Survey?

A property survey is a process that’s used to assess a property and provide information about its location, size, features and any existing structures. Professional property surveys can encompass a range of different services, with the results being compiled into a report and map of the property that can be used to plan any construction or development projects you have in mind.

Professional property surveyors will combine a mix of legal research with field surveying techniques to develop their report. Depending on the services you need, the report will include information about:

  • The property’s size
  • The property’s location
  • Zoning regulations
  • Legal restrictions
  • Easements
  • The condition of existing structures
  • The location of utilities
  • Terrain and property features

Up-to-date property survey data gives you a complete record of the land and forms an important part of the documentation you’ll need to carry out renovation or building works.

Types of Property Surveys

Depending on your needs, professional surveyors will be able to provide a range of information on your property. The more information you have, the easier it is to plan projects, monitor legal issues and obtain approvals for any work you have planned. Property surveyors offer services that include:

  • Boundary and identification surveys. Boundary surveys identify the exact location, size and boundaries of a property. The survey will also investigate any legal issues surrounding the property to ensure there are no hidden surprises.
  • Contour and feature surveys. Contour surveys assess the terrain on your property and mark out features such as slopes, vegetation, retaining walls, existing structures and the location of any utilities.
  • Construction and engineering surveys. Construction and engineering surveys are conducted throughout building projects to verify that the work is safe and compliant with engineering requirements.

When Do You Need a Property Survey?

Property surveys aren’t always required by law, but they’re an important part of buying, selling and developing property. A comprehensive survey will provide all the information you need to support your project and prevent you from making costly mistakes. It’s recommended to order a new property survey when you:

  • Buy a property. Whether you’re buying a residential block or a major piece of industrial land, property surveys are an important piece of due diligence. Property surveys don’t just provide details about the land, they also identify legal issues and help you confirm whether a block is suitable for whatever you have in mind.
  • During renovation works. Major renovation works may require approvals from your local council, especially if you’re modifying structural aspects of the property. Property surveys can provide all the information your builder needs to obtain approvals and successfully complete the renovation.
  • For construction projects. Building a new home is an exciting experience, and surveyors will provide support throughout the process. Most construction projects require professional surveyors at several stages of the work to verify that everything is proceeding as planned.
  • For development projects. Property surveyors play a critical role in all development projects. Whether you’re subdividing one block or building a giant shopping centre, property surveyors will be required to provide important construction and engineering data throughout the work.

The Importance of Property Surveying

A professional property survey can provide a range of useful information to buyers, builders, developers, councils and other decision makers. With most properties being subject to strict zoning laws, building regulations and other legal requirements, property surveying protects owners from a variety of expensive pitfalls.

Property surveying isn’t just important for large-scale construction projects. It’s also an important part of the due diligence when you’re buying property. As boundaries shift and the features of a property change over time, a professional survey can uncover any legal or structural issues that would prevent you from using a property the way you want. A professional surveyor Brisbane wide will know which checks to perform to ensure any property you’re interested in comes free of encumbrances or unexpected expenses. With residential property surveys being extremely affordable, this means that a small investment up front can save you from costly mistakes down the road.

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