Promenade Wine Bar, Córdoba Commercial Development, Photos, Modern Argentina Real Estate

Promenade Wine Bar in Córdoba

21 March 2024

Architect: Arq. Christian Schlatter

Location: Córdoba, Argentina

Promenade Wine Bar Córdoba Argentina

Photos by Arq. Gonzalo Viramonte

Promenade Wine Bar, Argentina

“Spaces should have a pleasurable connection with life, creating mystique; a sensory experience,
an object space through the meaning of materials”

Promenade Wine Bar Córdoba Argentina

Sparkling wine

The project proposes a space-installation that invites us to walk while we connect with the different tones and colors that the vine acquires in its different seasons of the year; materialized with painted wood inserted into the Slavonian oak walls, the light, the shadow cast and the playful shape of the bottles as clusters make up the impressions during the tour.

Promenade Wine Bar Córdoba Argentina

A tapestry of natural fibers with the colors of the different varietals per @cristinacorden and a bench of a natural piece of more than 4.50 meters frames the space to contemplate the installation-cellar

Promenade Wine Bar Córdoba Argentina

“Los espacios deben tener una conexión placentera con la vida, creando mística; una experiencia sensorial, un espacio objeto atreves del significado de los materiales”

El proyecto propone un espacio – instalación que nos invita a recorrer mientras nos conectamos con los diferentes tonos y colores que adquiere la vid en sus diferentes estaciones del año; materializados con madera pintada insertada en las paredes de roble de Eslavonia, la luz, la sombra proyectada y la forma lúdica de las botellas como racimos componen las impresiones durante el recorrido.

Un tapiz de fibras naturales con los colores de los diferentes varietales por @cristinacorden y un banco de una pieza natural de más de 4.50 metros encuadra el espacio para contemplar la instalación- cava Recursos / Intervenciones:
Estimulando los sentidos, percepción, emoción, recorrido, múltiple visualización

Promenade Wine Bar Córdoba Argentina

Promenade Wine Bar in Córdoba, Argentina – Building Information

Project Name: House in the Stone
Architect: Arq. Christian Schlatter –
Project Name: PROMENADE

Location: Cordoba-Argentina
Year: 2023
Partner Builder: @carotcarpinteria
Collaborator: Arq. Dolores Granillo

Stimulating the senses, perception, emotion, journey, multiple visualization
Lighting; art installation; colour; Light Composition; landscape of cast shadows; penumbra;
surprise; Stones & Natural Fibers
Materiality and Finishes:
Carved wood /stones and natural fibers /color

Promenade Wine Bar Córdoba Argentina

Photography: Arq. Gonzalo Viramonte
E-mail de Fotógrafo/a:

Promenade Wine Bar, Córdoba images / information received 210324 from Arq. Gonzalo Viramonte

Location: Córdoba, Argentina, South America

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Comments / photos for the Promenade Wine Bar, Córdoba in Argentina design by Arq. Christian Schlatter page welcome