Casa SI, Córdoba Modern Home, Argentina Real Estate Design, Villa Allende Architecture, Photos

Casa SI in Córdoba, Argentina

16 July 2021

Design: GRUPO Studio

Location: Las Lomitas 228, Villa Allende, Córdoba, Argentina

Casa SI Córdoba Argentina

Casa SI – Córdoba Property

Casa SI it’s the house project for my own family, where now we live along with Ine and our daughter Max

Casa SI Córdoba Argentina

Developing this project required a profound introspection and multiple project versions until the one that satisfied all expectations as future inhabitant and as an architect was found. The most important are self-identity, simplicity, efficiency, reduced program and footage and connection with nature.

Casa SI Córdoba Argentina

Casa SI Córdoba Argentina

The house is located in a 1500 sqm terrain in Villa Allende, a little city in the outskirts of Córdoba. The surrounding is characterized by single family houses in large plots with a strong presence of nature.

Casa SI Córdoba Argentina

Casa SI Córdoba Argentina

The project is developed starting by a grid of full and empty spaces. The empty spaces act as interior courtyards which combined with transparent glass or opaque planes generates great amplitude and connection with the outside.

Casa SI Córdoba Argentina

Casa SI Córdoba Argentina

Despite the house doesn’t count with a large covered surface a sensation of amplitude and expansion towards the outside is generated while living the home. Every space has, as minimum, a window from floor to ceiling and full space width.

Casa SI Córdoba Argentina

Casa SI Córdoba Argentina

An important premise was to lo close the façade to the street and open the one to back garden, along with this attitude we proposed an almost blind concrete wall lifted from the ground towards the street giving the house a unique identity in the neighborhood.

Casa SI Córdoba Argentina

Regarding the material of the house, concrete is the main choice. We chose it because of it expression, nobility and low maintenance and aim to see how it transforms during time with the growth of ivy plants.

Casa SI Córdoba Argentina

We also proposed to develop a timeless house, where protagonisim is in the simplicity and austerity that reigns so the house is free to fill with special moments.

Casa SI Córdoba Argentina

Casa SI Córdoba Argentina

Above all things, Casa SI (Casa Santi e Ine), is the scenery for the construction of the life we dreamt of.

Architect Santiago Chasseing

Casa SI Córdoba Argentina

Casa SI Córdoba Argentina

Casa SI, Córdoba, Argentina – Building Information

Architect: GRUPO Studio

Instagram: @
Country of the Office: ARGENTINA

Year of construction: 2020
Built-up area: 130 m2
Location: Las Lomitas 228, Villa Allende, Córdoba, Argentina

Architects and Cargo: Arq. Santiago Chasseing
Design Team: Arq. Carla D’Angelo

Casa SI Córdoba Argentina

Casa SI Córdoba Argentina

Credits Photography: Arq. Gonzalo Viramonte
Sitio Web Photo: Instagram: @gonzaloviramonte

Casa SI, Córdoba images / information received 160721

Location: Las Lomitas 228, Villa Allende, Córdoba, Argentina, South America

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