1100 First Street Washington DC Building Project, Photo, Design, Property, USA

1100 First Street, America : Washington DC Architecture

Washington DC Office Development design by Krueck & Sexton with Gensler.

Washington DC

Tishman Speyer Properties

Design Architect: Krueck & Sexton, Chicago IL

Architect of Record: Gensler, Washington DC

1100 First Street Washington DC office building
image © Imagefiction, Chicago

1100 First Street office building due to open 4 June 2009

28 May 2009

1100 and 1150 First Street

With building heights limited to a uniform 130’ throughout the city and allowable floor area to be maximized, the urban design opportunity for 1100 and 1150 First Street is realized in the most advantageous placement of the limited and precious open site area.

The project consists of two distinct buildings placed perpendicularly to First Street, and parallel to each other. This allows both buildings equal frontage on the primary, address side of the site while forming a common plaza courtyard between the opposing long sides.

1100 First Street Wasington DC 1100 First Street Wasington DC 1100 First Street Wasington DC 1100 First Street
photos : Krueck+Sexton

The two buildings are subtly shaped to create a dynamic plaza and courtyard that allow natural light deep onto the site and into the buildings. Additionally, the proportions of the First Street Facades are improved as their verticality is emphasized. Rather than following the Washington, D.C. office building paradigm of absorbing open site area in an enclosed atrium, 1100 & 1150 First Street acknowledge and improve the immediate neighborhood by creating public space on private property.

1100 First Street Wasington DC
photo : Gensler

Environmentally sustainable design principles are followed throughout, with LEED Gold certification as the projected benchmark.

The concrete structural frame, consisting of a typical 30’ by 30’ bay, is manipulated along the perimeter to allow for the building shape. On the courtyard side, perimeter columns lean in, out, or kink once as they rise.

1100 First Street Wasington DC 1100 First Street Wasington DC 1100 First Street Wasington DC
photos : Krueck+Sexton

The precisely folded facades open up to the sky to maximize daylight, and offer an intriguing play of unexpected views and reflections. Visually, once building #2 is completed, the project will have a sense of movement, like two icebergs sliding past, one shaping the other.

The strength of the architectural concept is proven in its ability to guide all aspects of aesthetic and technical development and decision making during all phases of design: selection of materials and systems, articulation of building elements, and the resolution of details at every scale are guided by the overriding concepts of dynamic design, precision, and innovation.

1100 First Street Wasington DC 1100 First Street Wasington DC 1100 First Street 1100 First Street Wasington DC Offices
photos : Krueck+Sexton

The all glass east and courtyard facades of 1100 & 1150 First Street are made of insulated glazing units with 5/16” thick outer glass. This additional 1/16” thickness over the typically used ¼” glass results in extraordinary flatness, which conveys the precision of a machined aesthetic.

Additionally, the sound isolation from the exterior is improved significantly. The selection of Viracon VRE 1-46 for the glass low-emissivity coating was driven by a balancing of glass color, reflectivity and transparency, and thermal performance. The ever changing appearance of the selected glass which oscillates between transparent and reflective enhances the character the dynamically shaped buildings.

1100 First Street Office Building
Detail : Carl Hensler

Krueck & Sexton

Washington DC Office Building images / information from Krueck & Sexton

Project for Tishman Speyer Properties

Location: 1100 First Street, Washington DC, United States of America

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Comments / photos for the 1100 First Street, Washington DC Building – America Architecture design by Krueck & Sexton with Gensler Ar hitects, USA, page welcome.