Seas of the World Concept Buildings, Conceptual Architecture Design, Image

Seas of the World : Maritime Concept Design

Seas of the World Building – design by X-TU Architects

Design: X-TU, Architects

English text (scroll down for French):


Seas of the World maritime concept design
picture from architect

12 Apr 2012

Seas of the World

In 2010 the inhabitants of the virtual world decided to build a real city, designed on principles of sharing, networking resources, ecological symbiosis: an offshore city free an island … they have one mission: clean up the cities, transforming them polluting carbon dioxide they exploit the biochemical energy algae.

Seas of the World Seas of the World Concept Design Seas of the World Design
pictures from architect

With they produce biofuels and raw materials, proteins, vitamins, they invented the facades of photosynthetic algae culture from carbon dioxide they have developed in an urban island inspired by the worlds reefs, floating, and an urban cooperative assemblable recomposable, they use water to move, they assembled their city like bees, they exploit the energies of the sea, they built a dense urban vertical, perforated.

A three-dimensional urban mixed they sought an architectural model for their photosynthetic towers and three-dimensional structure tree, she made a three-dimensional landscape, a world air alternative golden boys, they threw their range to suit a tertiary world of conditioning they dream of faraway islands tired business centers sanitized they imagined facades of homes, porous concrete, foam and nutritious hosting a wild vegetation and island looks like a jungle sometimes ….

They use the architecture of cities such as production tool …

French text:

En 2010 les habitants du monde virtuel ont décidé de construire une vrai ville, imaginée sur des principes du mutualisation, de mise en réseau des moyens, de symbiose écologique : une ville offshore libre, une île… ils ont une mission: dépolluer les villes pollueuses en transformant leur gaz carbonique ils exploitent l’énergie biochimique des algues.

Seas of the World Seas of the World Concept Design Seas of the World Concept Seas of the World Design
pictures from architect

Avec ils produisent des biocarburants et des matières premières, des protéines, des vitamines ils ont inventé des façades photosynthétiques de culture d’algues à partir de gaz carbonique ils ont développé une urbanité en archipel, inspirée par les mondes coralliens, flottante, une urbanité coopérative assemblable et recomposable, ils utilisent l’eau pour se déplacer, ils ont assembles leur ville comme les abeilles, ils exploitent les énergies de la mer, ils ont construit une urbanité verticale dense, ajourée.

Une urbanité mixte en trois dimensions ils ont cherché un modèle architectural pour leurs tours photosynthétiques et une structure en trois dimensions arborescente, elle compose un paysage tridimensionnel, un univers aérien, golden boys alternatifs, ils ont jeté leurs panoplie tertiaire pour s’adapter à un monde dé climatisé ils rêvent d’îles lointaines fatigués des centres d’affaires aseptisés ils ont imaginé des façades de logements, en béton poreux, alvéolaire et nutritif accueillant une végétation sauvage et leur île, parfois resemble à une jungle….

Ils utilisent l’architecture des villes comme outil de production…

Seas of the World – Building Information

Architects: X-TU – Anouk LEGENDRE + Nicolas DESMAZIERES
Team: Gaelle Le Borgne – project director Amelie Busin, Guillaume Mazars, Olivier Busson
Client: X_Sea_Ty state
Situation: Seas of the world
Program: offices, housing, stores, soho, condominium
Area: 680,000 m² [island] ; 4,500,000 m² [buildings]
Population: 100,000 persons
Density: 133,800 pers/km²
Production: 287 M W/year
Sustainable city Perspectivs views: X_TU

Seas of the World images / information from X-TU

X-TU Architects

Location: Atlantic Ocean

Architectural Concept Designs – Selection

Wave Tower Design
Wave Tower design
picture from architect

Hanging Tower
Hanging Tower design
image © Stephan Sobl

Metropolitan Vertical Theme Park
Metropolitan Vertical Theme Park
picture from architect

Indigo Tower Concept
Indigo Tower concept
picture from architect

Another design by X-TU Architects on e-architect:

Musée des Beaux-arts Reims, France
Musée des Beaux-arts Reims building
image from architects

Another Maritime Concept Design on e-architect:

Energy Island
Energy Island
image © Stephan Sobl
The Seas reveal many vast and diverse energy sources which are too often considered individually, for instance the energies of wind, wave, sea currents, tides, solar energy including marine photosynthesis, geothermal and ocean thermal differential energy. Also, some renewable energy sources, often converted on land, can be more efficiently sea based, wind energy being a typical example, where land features reduce its intensity and limit its locations. Land based wind farms have proved themselves to be visually unacceptable to many, whilst solar farms often occupy too much valuable land.

Comments / photos for the Seas of the World Design page welcome
