Meat Factory Nottingham building, Marsh & Grochowski development, English sustainable living experiment

Meat Factory Nottingham Building

House in the East Midlands, England design by Marsh & Grochowski Architects, UK

19 May 2011

Design: Marsh & Grochowski

Meat Factory Nottingham building design
image : Marsh & Grochowski

Meat Factory, Nottingham

RIBA Award winner, 19 May 2011

The Meat Factory is a domestic experiment in sustainable living, located in a deprived area of Nottingham and occupied by the architect owner. The house will no doubt act as a catalyst for change and an increased awareness of sustainable issues in the neighbourhood.

Meat Factory Nottingham
image : Hannah Marsh

Built over a number of years, much of it by the architect owner himself, the design grew organically as he tried out ideas. Sometimes this was in response to the availability of materials, sometimes because another project had fallen through – for instance the design of the glass bridge re-used from an unbuilt scheme. There is a sense that this might be a continuing process and that the plan and the elevations could evolve further over time.

Meat Factory Nottingham Meat Factory Nottingham
images : Marsh & Grochowski

Meat Factory Nottingham – Building Information

Title: Meat Factory
Location: Felton Road, The Meadows, Nottingham
Contract Value: Confidential
Date of completion: May 2010
Gross internal area: 222 sqm

Architect: Marsh & Grochowski
Client: Private
Contractor: Self Build
Structural Engineer: Price & Myers
Services Engineer: Buro Happold

RIBA Awards

Location: Felton Road, The Meadows, Nottingham, East Midlands, central England, United Kingdom

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