Why should you protect your eyes in construction Tips, Building Health & Safety advice, PPE help

Why should you protect your eyes in construction guide

22 Dec 2020

Why should you protect your eyes in construction

If you fail to wear personal protective equipment (PPE) when you take on different jobs, you are opening yourself up to a number of risks. No matter whether you work on a construction site, in a laboratory, in a factory or somewhere else, injuries can – and do – happen.

What injuries could be suffered as a result of not protecting your eyes?

If PPE is not worn, some of the injuries than can occur to the eyes include injury caused by collisions of machinery, liquid chemicals splashing in the eyes, lacerations and eye punctures. By simply wearing safety glasses or goggles, 90% of eye injuries can be avoided.

f you’re on a construction site, you need protection from dust, particles, tools, and flying objects. If you’re in a laboratory, you need to ensure that your eyes can’t be harmed by toxic substances especially if you are using contact lenses from www.contactlensesplus.com.

Your vision is priceless, and should not be taken for granted. PPE can reduce the risk of exposure to minor and major illnesses and injuries.

Another thing to get into the habit of is having regular eye examinations. These can help doctors to identify whether you are experiencing any problems due to your exposures in the workplace. During your test, they can check for serious eye conditions such as cataracts, too. This will help to set you up for the future, as the doctors will be able to provide great guidance on what you might need to expect as you get older.

How can you protect your employees?

According to Occupational Safety and Health Administration, selecting the most suitable eye protection for employees should take into consideration the following elements:

  • Ability to protect against specific workplace hazards
  • Should fit properly and be reasonably comfortable to wear
  • Should provide unrestricted vision and movement
  • Should be durable and cleanable
  • Should allow unrestricted functioning of any other required personal protective equipment (PPE)

Key points to be communicated to workers on a job site

Eye safety policies should be clear. The National Institute for Occupational Safety and Health (NIOSH) suggest that the following key points be addressed and communicated to workers at the job site:

  • When to wear safety eye protection
  • What the enforcement processes are
  • How and where workers can obtain protective eyewear
  • How workers can get replacements
  • What to do if eye protection is missing from a workstation

Eye protection is crucial, and should be integrated with other PPE to provide head-to-toe protection.

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