Useful tips on how to organize your closet, Home clothing storage advice, Online wardrobe tips

Useful Tips On How To Organize Your Closet The Right Way

19 Oct 2021

Useful tips on how to organize your closet

Clutter can be frustrating since it makes it harder to enjoy your space and get the things you need when you need them. With so many things to do and so little time, it’s easy to lose track of important items.

As most people know, most of the frustration can be alleviated by keeping everything organized. Your closet is one space where clutter can really become an issue and, like anywhere else, if it gets too cluttered then finding anything can become impossible. However, there are some very useful tips that will help you keep your closet organized in no time!

1. Custom Solutions

When it comes to organizing, sometimes the best approach is to custom-fit your solutions. Everyone’s closet is different, so what works for one person may not work for another. When looking for closet organization tips, whether you have a reach-in, walk-in, or boutique closet, it’s good to have a library of resources at your fingertips that will inspire you to find the best organizational solutions that fit you perfectly! Sometimes the reason there’s clutter is that your closet is too small for your wardrobe.

Other times, it’s the fact that you have a lot of different knickknacks that give that special something to your style, but that also create clutter when you’re not wearing them. By building a closet that’s specifically designed for your needs – or having one built for you – you can finally get the organization that you need to make your closet work!

2. Clear It Out

For most people, the first step of any organizational process is always decluttering. Take out everything from your closet and get rid of the items that you don’t wear. This means organizing everything and putting your clothes in piles – one for things you wear, one to give away or store, and another for trash. Remember to take out any off-season clothes or anything that’s been lingering in your closet for years because it still has some sentimental value attached to it. Once you have everything out, the next step is to take a good look at what’s left. Ask yourself if you really need that t-shirt from high school, or do you think that sweater has had its day? You can either give it away or store it, but definitely get rid of anything that hasn’t been touched in years.

3. Sort By Category

When it’s time to sort through your clothes, you should try organizing them by category. This will help you decide if you need more casual or dressy clothes, and whether there are any other categories that could be added. You can also group items according to color or style – such as putting all of the long sleeve shirts together – so that it makes it easier to find what you’re looking for.

It’s also useful to see how many items of each type of clothing you have so that, when it comes time to re-organize your closet, you can get rid of anything that is duplicated or just not needed. You can make this as elaborate or as simple as you want to. It could be enough to just put jeans and sweaters in one section and polo shirts, dress pants, and casual shirts in another – or you can use multiple categories.

4. Folding Is Your Friend

Folding is much more effective than hanging when it comes to organizing your closet. Not only does storing clothes in drawers or on shelves take up less space, but it also takes stress off of the cloth because it’s not being stretched out by gravity. Besides that, by folding your clothes, you can also stack them higher and utilize more of the space in your drawers.

When it comes to folding, there’s a specific technique that will help you save even more space: roll items instead of just folding them. This will create a tight bundle and maximize any available space. With larger items like jeans or towels, it’s okay to fold them, but if you have smaller clothes like t-shirts or tank tops that are easy to roll, then use that technique.

5. Get The Right Hangers

When it comes to closet organization, this is one of the most overlooked aspects of the whole process. Not only does using the right hangers make your wardrobe look neater, but it also saves a lot of space by having clothes rest on their shoulders rather than droop below. This way, you can fit more clothes in less space without any extra stress on them. To do this, you should invest in hangers that are strong enough to hold multiple items at once.

If you’re not sure which ones are the best, wooden hangers are made of sturdy material and can hold heavier clothes without breaking. Keep in mind that they also take up more room than plastic ones, which is why it’s best to use them for big items. If you don’t have too many clothes or you just want to maximize space in your closet, then plastic hangers are the way to go. They’re lightweight and can hold smaller pieces without having any trouble at all.

Useful tips on how to organize your closet wardrobes

As you can see, organization is important and there are some useful tips that can help you with it. As long as you have the right idea about what works best for your situation, anything can be turned into an organizer. By using these 5 simple steps, you’ll be able to store and organize your clothes in a way that will save you the most space. Follow these tips, and you won’t have any problems with clutter ever again. Happy organizing!

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