Learn how to present your property online in the greatest possible way, Home selling tips, House sale advice

Present Your Property Online in a Great Way

22 May 2021

The COVID-19 pandemic has changed the world for better or worse, and the new normal happens to be the online lifestyle. It does not matter whether you are a doctor or a real estate agent; digital tools have infiltrated our lives irrevocably. So, if you are planning to sell your house during these times of global lockdowns, we have some handy tips for you to present it in the greatest possible way.

Present Your Property The Greatest Possible Way Online

Present Your Property Online The Greatest Way

Is This a Good Time?

It is indeed a fantastic time to sell your house! Some people may feel squeamish about navigating the real estate market these days, but you would never have a more responsive customer base than nowadays. We all have been following social-distancing, trying and keeping to stay safe and our loved ones as well, but all of this brings in a lot of time at hand that people spend in their houses. So, when you list your house for a virtual tour and connect to potential buyers during this time, you will have a lot more receptivity from the customer base. You should therefore jump on the opportunity and get going with the house listing.

Connect With the Real Estate Agent

Once you have made up your mind about selling your house, the first step you should do is to connect with the real estate agent and gather an idea of what they expect. It would be an excellent preparatory call, and you would also have an opportunity to give them a virtual tour around your house.

You should also ask the agent all the relevant questions, like what kind of technology they expect you to use while conducting the virtual tours. Don’t forget to ask whether they want you to conduct or present a virtual tour or would they prefer a recorded video and present it on your behalf. You can also share ideas with the agent regarding the virtual tour video, like adding some pictures in the video to make it versatile. The more information you gather, the better your chances would be.

Preparation Is The Key

Like physical tours, virtual tours also require many preparations (or maybe more). You have to make your house ready before getting on with the virtual tour. Before pressing the recording button, take a good look around your home to ensure that it is precisely how you feel comfortable.

You may want to double-check that there are no valuable or sensitive items that you do not wish to share publicly because the virtual tour would be accessible by so many people. You may even think about hiring a professional photographer to take some clear and professional shots of the house for the virtual tour. You should also decide which rooms of the house you would want to showcase. Ideally, you should spend some time planning how you would be recording the video. Instead of running around the house with the camera but with no storyline made, try to share some interesting information about the house to make the video more engaging to potential buyers.

The most important part of the virtual tour is the opening and the closing, so spend extra time planning it carefully. Your virtual tour should capture warm and bright areas of the house and showcase the most fantastic spot in your home. You may even embed a personal narrative in the tour, like sharing why the patio happens to be your favorite spot in the house (maybe it’s the light!). Lastly, it goes without saying but ensure that your house is spotless before you do the virtual tour recording.

Be Presentable

With property selling, you have to be obsessively presentable. The first thing to remember is that you are giving the virtual tour of your property, and the video is not about yourself, so make sure that the house is presented in a spectacular way. You should have sufficient light inside the house, and it would also be wise to record the virtual tour video during the daytime.

Present Your Property Online The Greatest Way

A tiny cinematic presentation tip is to keep the doors open before you push the record button because it simply saves you the time and nuisance of fiddling with the doors. The video should also have minimal (or no) noise, but if there is, you may have a professional video editor tweak the video to remove background noise. Include a few windows in the frame (keep them open, too) and ensure that the camera is in landscape mode. Filming the room from a corner captures a great wide view of the room as well. While conducting the virtual tour, be conscious that you are not sounding rushed up; instead, simply try to enjoy the experience.

Present Your Property Online The Best Way

With the above few tips, you should be ready to get started with the online presentation of your property. It’s great to brainstorm and plan on paper before recording anything, but even if you record a video with lots of mistakes, it’s not the end of the world, and you can get it edited to perfection. Essentially, an impeccable virtual tour is all that matters.

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