How to make 12 low-waste swaps for greener lifestyle advice, Home eco guide, Sustainable property tips

Make These 12 Low-Waste Swaps for a Greener Lifestyle

13 July 2021

You might have come across the viral article on Lauren Singer, who could fit her whole year’s worth of waste in a jar. Yes, you read that right. The zero-waste blogger generated just a small jar of waste that she couldn’t recycle or reuse.

This may seem like an impossible feat, but it’s not. Being conscious of your everyday consumption and waste can take you a step closer to a zero-waste lifestyle.

Make 12 low-waste swaps for greener lifestyle

If you are eager to reduce your waste, here are some easy low-waste swaps you can make in your everyday life.

Make These 12 Low-Waste Swaps for Sustainable Lifestyle

  1. Groceries

Most groceries come in several layers of packaging. You can significantly reduce packaging waste by shopping at zero-waste grocery stores. These stores allow customers to bring their own containers and bags that they can fill up with various groceries. This is also an excellent way to minimise food waste, as you can purchase the exact quantity you need.

  1. Grocery Bags

Even if you don’t have access to a zero-waste grocery store, you can still make grocery shopping more sustainable by avoiding plastic bags. Always carry reusable canvas or jute grocery bags. It’s also a good idea to buy produce from farmers markets, which usually have far less packaging.

  1. Straws & Coffee Cups

Are you someone who stops for a coffee every morning before work? You can imagine the number of disposable cups and straws you’re sending to landfill. Start carrying a metal or silicone straw along with reusable cups for coffee runs – and while you’re at it, you should also keep a set of reusable cutlery to avoid creating plastic waste.

  1. LED Lights

Incandescent and halogen lights are outdated products that consume more energy than required. For an energy-efficient home, replace such fixtures with LED lights. LEDs are eco-friendly and last a lot longer. To further lower your carbon footprint, you should consider trying to find the best energy provider offering green plans in your area.

  1. Menstrual Products

Pads and tampons can take hundreds of years to decompose. These days, there are several biodegradable and sustainable alternatives available. Get biodegradable pads or tampons. Alternatively, you can also try reusable options like period underwear and menstrual cups.

  1. Razors

Disposable razors are a scam. They are pricey and not as effective as regular razors. Stop using disposable razors and buy razors with replaceable cartridges.

  1. Make-up pads

You probably use Make-up pads every day to remove your makeup and to apply products. Replace single-use make-up pads with reusable versions. After you’ve used reusable make-up pads, you can throw them in the washing machine, and they come out good as new.

  1. Toothbrushes

Considering it’s recommended that you replace your toothbrush every 3-4 months, a person will likely use around 300 toothbrushes in their lifetime. And that’s the plastic waste created by just ONE person. It’s time to replace plastic toothbrushes with bamboo toothbrushes.

  1. Deodorants

Most people use deodorants without realising how much plastic the product uses. Switch to plastic-free deodorants that come in completely compostable tubes.

  1. Water Bottles

Using single-use water bottles is a bad choice that you need to stop immediately. In addition to impacting the environment, disposable bottles can also expose you to harmful toxins. Install a water filter (if you are worried about tap water quality) and get refillable water bottles.

  1. Dishcloths

Your kitchen can do without wasteful paper towels. Instead, get dishcloths that will last you for several years.

  1. Silicone Sandwich Bags

Ziploc bags are incredibly convenient for packing sandwiches and storing leftovers, unfortunately though they are made from single-use plastic. It’s time to switch from these to silicone sandwich bags. They are sustainable as well as durable.

Making these swaps is not only good for the environment, it can also help you save more in the long run!

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