GPS dog fence vs in-ground dog fence advice, Online property boundary guide, Home garden tips

GPS Dog Fence Vs In-ground Dog Fence

15 September 2021

GPS dog fence vs in-ground dog fence guide

GPS Dog Fence Vs In-ground Dog Fence: Which One Is Right For You?

Some people like to get fences to prevent their dogs from running off. However, building a fence could involve some challenges, so you may wonder about electric dog fences. If you want to understand what GPS and in-ground dog fences are, we will discuss them. Afterward, we will point out a few of their advantages to help you pick the right one for your dog.

GPS Dog Fence Vs In-ground Types

GPS Dog Fence

A GPS dog fence uses the global positioning system to determine the location of the device. From there, the system will allow you to set a range around it, so it will create an electric fence based on that range. You can set the range at the max distance, the minimum distance or anything in between.

When your dog gets too close to the edge, the collar will warn him or her to move away from it. The collar will usually play a noise to get your dog’s attention, so you could train your furry friend to stay in the range of the device. Dog lover and expert Dave Miller noted that a GPS fence is ideal for areas where you don’t want to worry about putting the dog fence directly in the ground. Here’s a rundown of Dave’s top recommendations.

In-Ground Dog Fence

This type of dog fence has you dig into the ground and install a fence around the yard. This creates an invisible electric fence, so your dog won’t get too close to the edge of it. As you install the necessary wires into the ground, you can decide on the best shape for your home.

It also helps you keep track of the dog fence’s range if you leave markers in the ground to keep track of the position. This will also help your dog visualize the range of the fence, so he or she can avoid noises and shocks. Keep in mind it will also come with a device, so you can keep it in your home to maintain the electric fence.

The Advantages of Each

Now that we discussed what each one is, we want to talk about the advantages of each choice. The first two points will discuss the advantages of a GPS dog fence while the last two will talk about in-ground dog fence advantages.

GPS is Easy to Set Up

GPS stands out since it’s easier to set up in comparison to in-ground fences. This is because you just have to plug your device in, set the range and it’ll automatically activate. As long as your dog wears the collar, he or she will hear the beeping sound whenever your furry friend ends up getting close to the fence.

Since you can adjust the size of the fence as needed, you can find the ideal size for your dog. This makes it great for people with large plots of land since they can let their dogs run around without getting too far from the house. If you want to keep things simple for your dog fence, a GPS fence might be for you.

GPS Offers Portability

Since you don’t need to install the GPS fence into the ground, you can move it around whenever you need to. For example, if you move from one home to another, you can unplug the device, move it to your new home and set it up again. That way, you don’t need to purchase a new dog fence when you move to a new house.

If you plan to live at different locations or bring your dog fence to various spots, you may want a GPS dog fence. Since it’s portable, you will have more flexibility to move it around and get it to the right place. That way, you can keep your dog safe in a new home, on vacation or in other locations.

In-Ground Allows Specific Shapes

When you use a GPS dog fence, it’ll only provide a circle around it, so you won’t have as much flexibility with it. However, an in-ground dog fence follows the wires you put into the ground, so you can make it any shape you want. This makes it great for homes with specific yard shapes around them.

For example, if your yard has a square or rectanglular shape, you can put it in the ground around the plot of land to perfectly fit your backyard. This means you can adjust it and have the fence go around different barriers and terrain to make it easier for yourself. Even though it takes more time to set up it will give you more flexibility with fence shapes.

In-Ground is More Stable

On top of that, in-ground dog fences provide more stability than GPS ones. Since they won’t have any interference from GPS signals, you won’t have to worry about the fence weakening at times. As long as you keep the main device safe, the signal will remain strong and prevent your dog from running off.

This makes it an excellent choice for people who plan to stay in the same home for a long time. Since it will maintain its connection with good stability, you won’t need to move or adjust it. That way, your dog can learn the boundary, stay away from the edges and avoid dangerous situations in the area where you live.

GPS dog fence vs in-ground dog fence conclusion

GPS and in-ground dog fences have some noticeable differences between them, so we wanted to point out the advantagees of each option. This will help you identify the best option for your situation, so you can easily protect your dog. Make sure you review the options, pick your preferred dog fence and keep your furry friend safe.

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