Design and architecture impact on behaviour and mood guide, Buildings stress tips, Property comfort advice

The Impact of Design and Architecture on Our Behaviour and Mood

January 22, 2024

Have you ever noticed how certain spaces make you feel relaxed and comfortable, while others put immense pressure on your well-being? The power of architecture and design is far more impactful than one would think. By designing spaces in a certain way, architects and designers can boost sales, introduce new products, create confusion and even torture!

Neo-baroque architecture impact on behaviour and mood

Although it might seem like nothing but a hoax, the psychology behind space that surrounds us makes sense once we think about it. It is no secret that buildings with different purposes have different layouts. Take museums for example. The endless corridors and rooms connected through a number of doors so that visitors can circulate and observe the art are often combined with high ceilings, innovative solutions (at least for the time when the building was made) and a display of grandeur.

Another good example is casinos. Before there were sites where you can use mr bet kod promocyjny free spin, lovers of casino games had to visit special establishments, that no matter where they are, share the same design:

  • Neo-baroque and neoclassical facade we often associate with wealth;
  • Lack of windows to help players focus on games;
  • Prominent slot machines at the end of corridors filled with popular games;
  • Thick carpets to absorb sounds;
  • Minimal interior design to let the games shine, or the opposite, luxurious and often borderline kitschy interior design to make the place feel more glamorous.

But can design really be that powerful?

Feng shui building design and architecture mood

From Feng Shui to Brutalism

Even though one might think that the discovering psychological effect of a design and architecture is a relatively new concept, it is thousands of years old. Feng shui is an ancient Chinese practice rooted in the belief that the arrangement of our surroundings can profoundly impact the flow of energy, and harmonize with the natural elements to enhance the quality of life. This holistic approach to creating balance and harmony in one’s environment has been woven into the fabric of Chinese culture for centuries.

And while all this might sound like old wives’ tales, several of its teachings have deep roots in human psychology. One of the most famous rules is that the bed should always be positioned as far away from the door as possible to reduce stress, increase the quality of sleep, and boost energy levels. If this sounds like a scam, know that the cavemen, our predecessors, slept as far as possible from the entrance to avoid being attacked by beasts roaming in the night. It is our primitive fears that affect the design of spaces we live in, rather than beauty or practicality.

Brutalism building design - architecture impact on behaviour and mood

On the other end of the design scale is brutalism. Brutalist architecture, characterized by its utilitarian and raw concrete structures, has left an indelible mark on the urban landscape since its emergence in the mid-20th century. While proponents laud its boldness and functionality, critics highlight several negative impacts associated with it.

The massive, fortress-like appearance of these buildings can create a sense of foreboding and detachment, contributing to an unwelcoming urban environment. The lack of decorative elements and the dominance of concrete can result in an impersonal atmosphere that fails to resonate with the human spirit. In other words, massive, concrete towers will make you depressed, while green cottages made out of natural materials will make your heart sing.

Can Architecture and Design Affect Our Behavior?

Besides our mood, architecture and design can have a massive impact on our behavior. The most obvious example is modern supermarkets that convince customers to buy more than they initially planned. The most expensive products will always be displayed at eye level, while cheaper ones will be on the top or the bottom of the shelf, asking customers to put extra effort into noticing them.

Nowadays, supermarkets have their own bakeries, and for a good reason: the smell of fresh bread makes us hungry. At the same time, we listen to slow elevator music, which slows our pace and allows products on side displays to grab our attention. Sneaky!

And the supermarket is only one example. Fashion stores have special mirrors that elongate the body, beauty stores have soft lighting that visually reduces wrinkles, and restaurants often have chairs that are just comfortable enough for a quick meal and nothing more. All this increases the volume of people and the volume of sales, thus directly affecting the profit.

Will being conscious of such tricks and effects help you avoid unintentional purchases? Probably not, as we are still driven by our primal instincts of survival, catching, and flight-or-fight mechanism, only in a slightly more refined manner. However, the consciousness of space that surrounds us can motivate us to make our living spaces more comfortable, and our urban landscapes more green and less brutal.

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