3 awesome things a smart plug can do Tips, Online property electrical advice, House electrics

3 Awesome Things a Smart Plug Can Do

5 March 2022

How amazing would it be if your appliances could think on their own? Perhaps, even run the house for you? Or save energy without you having to run around the house all the time to switch all power outlets?

Well, lucky for you, all of these things are now doable because of smart plugs! If you’ve been wanting to build a smart home, and searching for an easy place to begin, smart plugs are the perfect way into home automation.

In fact, smart plugs are not only affordable but easy to use as well. This smart device can turn every other wire appliance that has an on/off switch into an automated one that you can control through your smartphone.

Now, before we dive into the awesome things it’s capable of, you might be wondering what exactly a Smart Plug is, what’s so ‘Smart’ about them?

3 awesome things a smart plug can do

What’s ‘Smart’ About a Smart Plug?

A smart plug is similar to an adapter. It fits perfectly between the appliance you want to plug in and a power socket. The most basic feature every smart plug offers is the ability to switch things on and off.

However, when a smart plug is connected with a smart home platform, it becomes even more useful. The reason why they are referred to as ‘smart’, is because they give you the ability to control your home appliances and electronics from an app installed on your smartphone.

In fact, as long as you have an internet connection, you can access your smart plug from anywhere around the world. Some smart plugs like the Wemo Mini Smart Plug, allow you to set schedules so your appliances can automatically turn on and off on timers.

There are smart plugs that collect energy consumption information for you. This gives you an idea of what appliances in your home consume the most amount of energy. If you are energy-conscious, then a smart plug is a great choice for you.

What Can a Smart Plug Do?

Here are five awesome things that a smart plug can do:

Automate Your Christmas Lighting

For those of you who celebrate Christmas, and light your house like a Christmas tree, you would enjoy having a smart plug. It’s always confusing when to turn the Christmas lights off at night.

Of course, you would want to have them on for a few hours in the evening so that it brightens your house. That said, when you are all snuggled in front of the TV at night, it becomes a struggle to go out and switch the light off.

Not forgetting that you would want to turn them on as well. In all honesty, what’s the point of all this hard work if you only remember to turn them on or off after a few days? And leaving them on simply adds to your energy bills.

However, with a smart plug, you can plug all your light into one power board and have it connected to power via a smart plug. You can further set timers on your lights. This is why you never have to worry about leaving them on, as you can manage the smart plug through its mobile app.

Find out Which Appliances are Most Energy-Hungry?

Do you know just how much it actually costs to run your home appliances? Or perhaps you’ve been thinking of upgrading them to their energy-efficient models, but are confused about which appliances will allow you to save the most?

Once you connect an appliance via a smart plug, you then have the ability to track how much energy it consumes. If you only want to purchase one smart plug, you can plug one appliance at a time into it.

When you finally know which appliance is the most energy-hungry, you can also attach it to the smart plug so that you can turn it off when it’s not being used.

Trick Burglars into Thinking You Are Home

If you are fond of traveling or travel often to work, you must be worried about the safety of your home. Well, with a smart plug you can create an illusion that someone’s home by plugging a light into it.

By setting timers to your lights, you can switch on your lights once the sun sets so that it looks as if someone’s home. All you need to do is connect that particular light into the smart plug, and set timers to the lights.

You will have peace of mind while traveling and not worry about any potential intruders.


Smart plugs have the ability to automate your home appliances and make your life much easier and convenient, as you can manage it all from your smartphone.

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