10 design ideas to breathe life into your outdoor patio guide, Home terrrace design tips, Online property landscape advice

10 Design Ideas to Breathe New Life Into Your Outdoor Patio

27 March 2022

Is your patio looking a bit tired and uninviting?

If you want to breathe some new life into this useful outdoor space you could spruce up your outdoor patio with some beautiful slip-resistant exterior tiles, for example. This is just one of the numerous possibilities open to you when you decide to embrace all of the benefits that outdoor living can deliver when you create a space that is so inviting.

Here are some suggestions that could definitely help breathe new life into your outdoor patio.

10 design ideas to breathe life into your outdoor patio

10 Design Ideas for Your Outdoor Patio

The perfect chance to create an outdoor room

We are all being encouraged to embrace the concept of outdoor living and get as much fresh air and exposure to sunshine as possible. That is why it is well worth considering the idea of transforming your patio into an outdoor living space.

It doesn’t have to be an expensive project to get an outdoor room. A quick and easy way to turn your home into an outdoor room would be to cover your patio area with a pergola.

Put some neatly arranged furniture and accessories under your pergola and you will instantly have an outdoor room that you will be able to enjoy throughout the seasons.

Make the most of your space with some seating

Even if you don’t have a big patio space you can still transform it with some clever use of seating.

Decide what you want from your patio space and design a seating arrangement that makes the most of what you have available. Benches combined with raised beds are a neat way to create space in a small patio area.

Dining al fresco

Eating outdoors can be a pleasurable experience and you could create an outdoor kitchen using your patio space.

It’s not hard to see why outdoor kitchens are trending right now and if you put down some outdoor floor tiles and create a cooking station that includes a barbecue and even a pizza oven, if possible, you will soon be enjoying an al fresco dining experience on a regular basis.

Split your patio into zones

Another clever design trick is to make the most of your patio space by zoning it.

It is easy to create different zones, for seating, cooking, and just socializing, by using planting to create these distinct areas.

Frame your patio with an attractive border

A patio space can look a bit ordinary if you just lay down tiles without any borders to break it up and soften the look.

Adding a floral border to your patio using an attractive planting option such as lavender, for instance, is a simple but effective way of creating a distinction between areas in your garden and making it more attractive without spending a fortune.

A patterned floor could make a big difference

When it comes to design ideas it can often pay to think outside the box. A good example of that would be the idea of using patterned floors for your patio area.

Outdoor floor tiles are a brilliant way of enhancing your patio area. Patterned floor tiles are definitely not a design statement that is just for your indoor space, so think outside the box and see what this idea could do to bring your patio to life.

Patio gardens have had an upgrade

Next up on the list of design ideas is a challenge to your concept of what a patio garden means.

Forget the traditional interpretation of a patio garden and look at how you might be able to create a seamless transition from indoors to outdoors.

The way to achieve the modern version of a patio garden is to install some sliding doors in your kitchen. This allows everything to seamlessly flow from inside your home to outdoors. Using the right tiling solution will also help you to create that beautiful fluidity between the two spaces.

Gravel and porcelain are a good combination

Porcelain tiles on your patio look great in their own right. However, you take things to a new design level if you use gravel surrounds for a more organic feel and finish.

This more free-form approach to laying tiles can really change the way your patio looks and this idea helps create a softer look in the process.

Adding some warmth to your patio

It is not hard to see why fire pits are such a hot trend when it comes to garden makeovers right now.

It is an idea that ticks all of the right boxes in terms of being able to use your patio, whatever the weather. Incorporating a fire pit into your patio design will ensure that you create a stunning focal point as well as giving you a source of warmth that will make your patio area inviting to use throughout the year.

You might want to think about installing some benches on either side of the fire pit so that it is easy to get close to the warmth when the sun goes down and you still want to stay outside.

Take your patio design to a new level

Last but not least in this list of potential patio makeover design options is the idea of adding interest by using different levels.

A raised patio will instantly become a talking point in your garden design and it is an idea that will ensure the space becomes a real focal point and a social hub for gatherings because everyone will be drawn to it.

You might want to consider a two-tier approach when designing your patio space. An elevated dining area will instantly add a level of sophistication as well as being a practical solution for making the most of the space that you have available in your garden.

Adding this extra degree of interest by using different levels is a design trick that is well worth considering when you are looking at ways to transform your outdoor space.

If you want to make the most of your patio area, some of these design ideas should give you the inspiration needed to create a space that you will not want to leave.

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