How to effectively customize an open space office guide, Building workplace design tips, Work space advice

Effectively Customize An Open Space Office

6 Jun 2021

Open space offices became popular, more favored, and trendy in this era. We have seen more workplaces transforming from individual offices to open spaces. It is quite clear that open-plan spaces are lower in cost, more spacious, and practical; it aims to boost a cooperative and productive atmosphere among employees.

However, if your open space office is substandard, it will reflect exactly the opposite, turning into a chaotic, insufficient, and negative place for work. It will simply create uncooperative behavior, distraction, and frustration for everyone out there. Improvements to these workplaces are crucial to maintain a constructive and dynamic perception.

Effectively Customize An Open Space Office

A Design that Works Its Best

Design is the keyword to creating a more innovative and happier workplace for employees, making them feel less stressed and more productive. A workplace should reflect the core values of how companies work, through inspiring employees and embracing a unique and contemporary environment. Adding light colors and glass walls in some areas increase the sense of privacy and team productivity among employees. If your open plan office allows employees to get help from team members, gives them the ability to follow up on tasks, and coordinate among their members then it serves its purpose at its best.

Make It Appear Spacious and Neat

Even though open-space offices seem to be practical and feasible, they should also help employees to concentrate and focus on tasks. Do not jam your workplace with insufficient furniture as it is visually overwhelming and stressful. Instead, as screen specialists would suggest, divide space with Panelscreens Ltd, which provides solutions for noise distraction and avoids chaotic surroundings. There are many things that would affect your employees’ performance so consider factors for technological requirements as well, such as computers, printers, wifi routers, etc. Arrange the space so that everyone acquires their needs. Customizing workplaces for employees to perform their duties with less tension and pressure, should be your goal for better accomplishments and higher profit.

Get Rid of Uncomfortable Furniture

While creating an efficient and successful open-plan workplace, consider high-quality and comfortable furniture for your employees. This might cost you extra cash now, but it will save you a lot of trouble later. Employees that suffer from back pain and other health conditions due to poor office furniture will become a burden on your shoulder. If you want to get your work done efficiently and professionally, you have to pay for it. To care for the well-being of your employees is ethical, you have to always remember that they are the asset of your success and growth.

Design a Place for Relaxation

Most of us spend at least 8 hours a day at work. The workplace becomes a place where you work, socialize, create, and sometimes rest, to develop better performance results. There’s no harm in having a pleasant place to have breaks, eat or even relax from long hours of work. Having a work-free area that does not feature work equipment is encouraging and rewarding for employees, who spend most of their time at work. A work-free area generates energy, enthusiasm, and passion to work. It helps employees to collaborate with peers, express themselves, and be more productive and vibrant.

Open Space Offices Decor

When creating designs for open space workplaces, function, and practicality are fundamental. On the other hand, there’s nothing worse than a tasteless and boring workplace. Adding character and decoration is more aesthetic and pleasing. Plants, inspirational quotes, paintings, and artworks add a touch of elegance and spirit to workplaces. An organized and well-designed open space workplace creates a welcoming feeling that is reflected positively on work members.

Create a Productive Workplace

If you believe in cutting down costs and designing a one size fits all plan, you need to reconsider this concept. To make an open-plan workplace that fits everyone, communication is the best answer. You need to listen to the requirements of every team and fulfill their needs and expectations. Knowing these will make them perform at their best and be comfortable while doing their jobs, as expected. A collaborative and productive work atmosphere is the access to success and development.

Effectively Customize An Open Space Office

Customize an Open Space Office Summary

Investing time and money in customizing open space workplaces to be more efficient and inviting for employees to accomplish their work is worthy and valuable. One of the greatest benefits of open space workplaces is improving team productivity, collaboration, and follow-up on tasks.

Make sure that your open space workspace layout utilizes work efficiently, and is not transformed into a chaotic, stressful, and frustrating workplace. Creative, modern, and comfortable design for open space workplaces make it more adequate and sufficient. Remember that employees are your asset to a successful business, so you need to invest in their comfort and well-being.

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ING Cedar Bank HQ, Cumulus Park, Amsterdam Zuidoost, The Netherlands
Design: Benthem Crouwel Architects and HofmanDujardin
ING Cedar Bank HQ Amsterdam
photo © Jannes Linders
ING Cedar Bank HQ in Cumulus Park

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