Affordable pool light replacement advice, Property garden LED guide, Home swimming lighting services

Affordable pool light replacement

Nov 17, 2020

Are you interested in getting your pool lights replaced? Do you convert your pool lights to LED from traditional lights? If that is so then, you can consider getting pool light replacement services. The lighting of your pool can change the overall look of your pool and make it look breathtakingly beautiful. It is best to look for the most experienced and knowledgeable team to help you with pool light replacement.

Affordable pool light replacement guide

Affordable pool light replacement for your home

Why Change?

Regular lighting of your pool can make your pool look unattractive. The traditional pool lighting serves its purpose right, but they cost you a lot of money. Incandescent lights do not offer many design options and also give off heat. It would be best if you considered getting LED lights because they offer you excellent opportunities and will make your pool look amazing.

Costs–The pool light replacement services are affordable and will not break your bank. It is best to replace your lights with a new one because they will run for a longer time in the future and you will need a replacement for some time. You must consider getting incandescent bulbs because they don’t consume a lot of power and give your pool more light than your pool’s fiber optic lighting.

Efficiency–The new pool lights will help your lights last longer, and you will not feed the need to replace them often. The process to change the light bulbs will take almost 15 minutes or less. The fiber optics lights take a little time to replace, but they are durable, and you don’t need to replace the lights too often. If the light bulb in your pool is located at a difficult spot, it can be challenging to replace it. It is best to call out the experts who can help you with the pool light replacement. They will help you to replace the lights safely and will also guide you to maintain them efficiently.

Run Cooler –Pool lights often produce heat, so it is essential to consider lights that don’t get heated often. The LED light voltage is lower, so you can consider LED lights if you want a cooler pool.

Earth Friendly –Consider getting earth-friendly lights. They consume less energy and are safe for the environment. It is also best to consider lights that are fully recyclable.

Durability –Consider getting durable lights. This will help you get less light bulb replacement as your pool lights will last for a longer time. You will also save money as you will have to purchase fewer bulbs and will also have to spend less time replacing them.

No Bugs! The lights that don’t attract bugs must be considered because this will help you keep your pool clean. The UV lights can attract a lot of bugs and can make your pool dirty. LED lights are a better option because they prevent bugs from coming near your pool. You must check the LED lights’ packaging before purchasing it and buy the ones that don’t attract bugs.

Design Options – If you want to improve the décor of your pool, then changing your pool lights is the best choice. Consider replacing lights that can be custom designed and can allow you to display various lights around your pool. You can choose romantic or any other type of lighting and make your pool look attractive.

Deciding what type of pool light bulbs to purchase

The swimming pool light will help keep the pool safe and create a beautiful ambiance when people are swimming. Whenever it burns or breaks down, you should replace it soon. It is generally not very tough to replace it on your own, but if you need help, you can call an expert too.

When purchasing a new pool light bulb, an LED pool light is considered a better choice than a traditional pool light. It will use 75% less electricity, and your bills will come down drastically. The kind of illumination it offers is also a lot better than other options.LED bulbs are also easy to customize, and you can set up a unique pattern and vibrant or varying colors of light.

What will you need to replace the light bulbs?

For replacing the light bulbs, you need to have the following items:

  • Screwdriver
  • Voltage tester
  • Goggles
  • Gasket
  • Screws for replacement
  • Clean towels

Steps to replace the pool light bulbs?

Here are some essential steps you need to take before replacing the pool light bulbs:

Cut off the power to the light

The first and most crucial step is to shut off the power near the pool. If you let electricity and water combine, it will turn out to be harmful. Some pools have their shut off power, so it is easy to find the main control panel switch and turn it off. The voltage tester will help the user see if there is current inside or not.

Unscrew the light housing

You will have to find a screw that is near the bottom of the light housing. It will depend on where the bulb is located near the surface of the water. Sometimes you will have to put your head underwater and reach it, and this is where goggles will help out. Take out the screws and put them in a safe area.

Check for corrosion

The next important thing is to carefully analyze the lighthouse and check if there is a sign of corrosion, cracking, or any other damage. If you notice that the light housing has been damaged, you will have to replace more than just the pool light bulb. You can also replace the rusted screws with pool-safe screws, which are available at any store.

Replace the bulb

You can use the towel to grab the bulb while replacing it; if you are also planning to replace the light housing gasket because of rush and other issues, you need to install the gasket around the edge of the lenses. Putting back the bezel over the lens and replace the screws you have removed from the area. The light cords should entangle anywhere so that light can work properly.

Test for air tightness

Once you are done with tightening the screws, the next step will be to test the bulb’s air tightness by submerging it into water. If you see any air bubbles near the area, it will give a signal that there is a leak somewhere. For correcting the issue, you will have to remove the light once again and disassemble it. Make sure that you replace the gasket because the light bulb shouldn’t be wet. When it is done your bulb is all set to light up.

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