Swiss Architect Offices, Architecture Practices Switzerland, Design Companies, Engineers Studios

Swiss Architect Practices: Switzerland Design Offices

Switzerland Architectural Firms, Central Europe – Designers contact details

post updated 5 May 2021

Swiss Architecture Studios

Contemporary Architects Practices Switzerland, alphabetical:

e-architect feature a selection of high quality contemporary architects from around the Switzerland – we aim to feature the best and most innovative current Swiss building designers:

Architect phone / fax e-mail / website address
Camenzind Evolution +41 44 253 9500 zurich(at)
Camenzind Evolution
Samariterstrasse 5
8032 Zürich, Switzerland
HHFarchitects +41 61 756 7010
+41 61756 7011
Allschwilerstrasse 71
4055 Basel, Switzerland
Holzer Kobler Architekturen +41 44 240 5200
+41 44 240 5202
Holzer Kobler Architekturen
Ankerstrasse 3
8004 Zürich, Switzerland
Mauro Turin Architectes +41 21 323 2300
+41 21 323 2300 Mauro Turin Architectes
7, rue Louis-Curtat
CH-1005, Lausanne

Swiss Architect Offices Listing

Architects + Landscape Architects + Structural Engineers with offices in Switzerland

Swiss Architects firms additions welcome: info(at) / +44 (0)7952 149814

The Switzerland Architecture site aims to promote Swiss architects offices as well as the country’s architecture. Swiss Architects’ details are listed for an annual fee, likewise for Swiss Structural Engineers, etc.

We welcome requests for lisitng your architectural practice. Simply send us your contact details – as per the format above – and payment and we should be able to get your design office online within a day typically.

Please provide your architectural studio’s contact details to us via email, and confirm payment whether via PayPal or by bank transfer.

See Architect Profiles Information for prices and details.

Location: Switzerland, central Europe

Architecture in Switzerland

Swiss Architecture Designs – chronological list

Swiss Architecture News

Architecture Walking Tours by e-architect

Swiss Architecture – Selection

Buendner Kunstmuseum, Chur building design by Barozzi Veiga, Spain:
Buendner Kunstmuseum Chur design by Swiss architect office
photo © Simon Menges
RIBA Awards for International Excellence 2018

Chenot Palace Weggis Health Wellness Hotel, Weggis, Canton Lucerne building design by Davide Macullo Architects:
Chenot Palace Weggis Health Wellness Hotel Lucerne
photograph : Roberto Pellegrini
Chenot Palace Weggis Health Wellness Hotel
The timber cladding of the new guest rooms, spa and pool area plays a game of shadows and creates a material landscape embedded in the green gardens while the uniting of the old hotel buildings with the new elements is a synthesis of architectural language with simplicity in materials to ensure that the senses are not overwhelmed.

Rosengarten Student Residence, Bucheggstrasse, Zürich building designed by ETH Zurich:
Rosengarten Student Residence Zurich Switzerland
images courtesy of architects studio
Rosengarten Student Residence in Zürich
The 18 shared housing units offer an affordable place to live tailored to the needs of its 130 student residents. At the same time, the district of Wipkingen will benefit from facilities and services for childcare, commercial space and a public park.

Swiss office building

Swiss Museum of Transport

Swiss Architecture Studios

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London Architect

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Andermatt Swiss Alps Design Competition
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Additions for the Swiss Architecture Studios page welcome
